Friday, October 24, 2008

Baby is a BOY!!

Well, we went Wednesday to have the BIG ultra sound. And after poking, pushing and measuring we were able to see that baby is definitely 100% boy! It was a great experience to share with Clay and Adra. I'm glad they both were there. Adra was excited too, I could tell cause she wouldnt stop talking! lol She was asking questions about everything and everyone. She was even pretending to be an u/s tech while we were waiting for the Dr. By the way, I'm glad they were nice at that office and had gel warmer for my tummy. Any way, the Dr measure Noah growing right on scheduale, everything is growing and working properly.

The Dr asked Clay "what do you think the baby is?" And of course he said, "I hope its a boy"...Adra added her two cents and said "but it could be a girl". To which the Dr replied "well, dad's are usually right arent they?" and BOOM on the screen was lil boy parts. No tears were shed, we were excited and kept saying "I cant believe it IS a boy" we gave each other a high 5! LOL Only us ;) We're very happy to have one of each, it makes them both equally special in their own uniqe ways. We're very blessed and thankful,

Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm counting the days

Today is Monday, thank goodness. Its not over yet but its alright. I'm counting the days until Wed and Thurs. I think I made Adra nervous the other day, I had her clean her room for grandma and I reminded her she'd be here in a few days. And she said "thanks mom, no pressure" smart alec 9yo.

What a busy weekend I had, friday night I was able to relax a lil. But Saturday, after sleeping in, I dropped books off at the library, returned the tux shirt that didnt fit Clay, went to the grocery store, cleaned and vaccumed the car and started laundry. THAN Sunday, for some un-Godly reason I still had energy and decided to get on my hands and knees to wash not only the cupboard fronts but the flippin base boards too. Inside and outside the cupboards, the oven and the fridge. I vaccumed the house and finished laundry. Can you tell my mother is coming to visit?! lol

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

Amanda goes today to find out the sex of the baby. My cousin Jess went yesterday and found out she's having a girl. I go next Wednesday...I cant wait! I feel like I blew up this morning. My stomach looks so much more pregnant than fat. YESTARDAY though, I felt like Willy (you know, the killer whale). We're planning on a date night Friday, which will be nice cause we havent done that since monkey face got back from FL. I'm trying to talk Clay into seeing Fire Proof. But I have a feeling we'll see Sex Drive instead because of timing restrictions with the kids program monkey face is going to. Oh well, I hope I can make it thru one more day of work than enjoy my Saturday morning routine of sleeping in!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Quiet weekend

I noticed this blog is becoming more and more baby centered. Which is understandable since this is the main focus of my life right now. Run down of my life this week: Amanda and I, my Labor Buddy, have been chatting a lot this week. She is a cool chick, hopefully after the babies are here we'll remain friends. I went to a Dr appt this week and got to hear the babies heart beat. Its a wonderful sound. And since Tuesday or Wednesday baby has been bouncing around all over the place. Its cool right now but I'm sure when its a pound or two I may feel differently lol. Because of this obvious movement I've been talking to it. Seems kinda weird right now but, whatever. Also, I only gained a pound over the last month, I'm happy about that. What do you think?

Dr Ahmad said I need to see yet ANOTHER specialist for my pregnancy. A Fetal Specialist. Hopefully my insurance will be set soon and I can make an appt. I went and bought Adra's Halloween costume and now I'm broke until Oct 31st, lovely. Oh well, mom is coming the 23rd, maybe she'll hook a sista up ;) lol. Clay just left for a jam session and Adra and are stuck at home again. Joy of joys! I just LOVE not having my own damn car. Oh well.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Hump Day!

So today is another long, boring day. I'm so tired of not having work to do! Its not like it isnt pilling up though. No, its continuing to come, I just cant do anything about it because of other people dragging their feet. BTW, I hope you appreciate the lil picture because I had to looked thru 3 pages of porn to find one decent one. Any who. Adra has been in my office 3 times this week and Friday will make 4...I cant stand it. Unfortunatly it feels like she is in my space, I'm not ready to deal with her or Clay right after work, it takes my 15 minute car ride to prepare myself and when I dont get that I get cranky. This will NOT happen again.

I'm hoping to have a Dr appt tomorrow, if all goes well with the insurance, which I think it will. I'm hoping to see or hear the baby heart beat because I need that little bit of reasurance. I'm pretty sure I've been feeling Baby F movin around but I still want to hear the heart beat. Being that I'm high risk I may get an u/s but if not that's probably for best since Clay isnt coming. I'll be glad when its time to go home.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am so bored!

This day is slinking by. Its only 2pm, good thing I'm leaving a lil early today. I was surfing Freecycle. I love Freecycle! So far I've scored a 25" Sony TV and some CD towers, but I plan on finding more stuff. Any who, I saw a post for a bassinet and emailed the lady, hopefully I can get it. If not I'd like to get this pack n play I saw on Graco...its cute

and the matching travel system is cute too.
I emailed mom a link to the pack n play, dropping hints on what I want ;) we're gonna pick up some little stuff this month and next and probably the following until we have everything we need. It would be nice to be close to people who could buy stuff for us but whatever lol. I'm just enjoying this time with Adra and Clay. Clay is really diggin this baby stuff, he's even watching baby shows with me! Its cute, he rubs and talks to my belly on the regular.
I plan on doing an arts project with Adra, I think it would really get her excited to make a blanket for her sibling. I think we'll even do 2 of em. We can make a gender neutral one now and if/when we find out the sex of the baby we'll make a specific one. Its very simple too, you just get the fleece fabric and knot it together. When I get the fabric I'll post a step by step and Pictures. I'll have to go this weekend to Wal*Mart and find out how much fleece costs.
So this friday, we're going to the TX state fair. Its HUGE, we've never been to a fair so large. I dont know how my hips will handle the walk around the grounds but it will be nice to spend the time with the fam. More pictures for that.