Well, we went Wednesday to have the BIG ultra sound. And after poking, pushing and measuring we were able to see that baby is definitely 100% boy! It was a great experience to share with Clay and Adra. I'm glad they both were there. Adra was excited too, I could tell cause she wouldnt stop talking! lol She was asking questions about everything and everyone. She was even pretending to be an u/s tech while we were waiting for the Dr. By the way, I'm glad they were nice at that office and had gel warmer for my tummy. Any way, the Dr measure Noah growing right on scheduale, everything is growing and working properly.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Baby is a BOY!!
Well, we went Wednesday to have the BIG ultra sound. And after poking, pushing and measuring we were able to see that baby is definitely 100% boy! It was a great experience to share with Clay and Adra. I'm glad they both were there. Adra was excited too, I could tell cause she wouldnt stop talking! lol She was asking questions about everything and everyone. She was even pretending to be an u/s tech while we were waiting for the Dr. By the way, I'm glad they were nice at that office and had gel warmer for my tummy. Any way, the Dr measure Noah growing right on scheduale, everything is growing and working properly.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I'm counting the days
What a busy weekend I had, friday night I was able to relax a lil. But Saturday, after sleeping in, I dropped books off at the library, returned the tux shirt that didnt fit Clay, went to the grocery store, cleaned and vaccumed the car and started laundry. THAN Sunday, for some un-Godly reason I still had energy and decided to get on my hands and knees to wash not only the cupboard fronts but the flippin base boards too. Inside and outside the cupboards, the oven and the fridge. I vaccumed the house and finished laundry. Can you tell my mother is coming to visit?! lol
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Is it Friday yet?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Quiet weekend
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Hump Day!
So today is another long, boring day. I'm so tired of not having work to do! Its not like it isnt pilling up though. No, its continuing to come, I just cant do anything about it because of other people dragging their feet. BTW, I hope you appreciate the lil picture because I had to looked thru 3 pages of porn to find one decent one. Any who. Adra has been in my office 3 times this week and Friday will make 4...I cant stand it. Unfortunatly it feels like she is in my space, I'm not ready to deal with her or Clay right after work, it takes my 15 minute car ride to prepare myself and when I dont get that I get cranky. This will NOT happen again.
I'm hoping to have a Dr appt tomorrow, if all goes well with the insurance, which I think it will. I'm hoping to see or hear the baby heart beat because I need that little bit of reasurance. I'm pretty sure I've been feeling Baby F movin around but I still want to hear the heart beat. Being that I'm high risk I may get an u/s but if not that's probably for best since Clay isnt coming. I'll be glad when its time to go home.