Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I am SO tired!

You'd think after the hellacious Sunday we had that I'd be ready to sleep for 40hrs but no, my body wont let me. Monkey face got attacked by a dog Sunday and therefore we spent 7 hrs at 2 different hospitals. The local hospital cleaned her up then shipped her over to Ft Worth's Cooks Childern's Hospital to be seen by a peds plastic surgen. She has a few bite marks on her chest and side but the big bite is on her arm, about 3" across and down to the muscle. Lucky it didnt puncture the muscle or rip any important parts so her arm is fully functional but very sore and bruised. She was so brave and so strong. I'm proud of her, I know any other child would have screamed and fought with those Dr's and nurses who kept poking and prodding at her. And she would have had all right too! That sucker was U-G-L-Y! But she squeezed the hell out of Clay and she toughed it out. My poor baby!

In other news Noah kicked daddy last night for poking at him. Clay's face lit up like you wouldnt believe. It was very cool....we were standing in the kitchen and I felt a BIG kick, so much so that it was a "WOA" moment. Clay came over and put his hand on my belly and nothing, so he started poking and thats when he got a good 3-4 kicks back. lol But of course before bed I'm sitting on the couch watching my DVR'd Grey's and Clay puts his head on my tummy. So I say "can you hear him?" (jokingly) he told me "no I'm waiting to see if he'll kick me in the head"...men can be so silly! So then when I was tucking Monkey Face into bed I laid down with her and she got to feel little kicks too. She loves her little brother already.

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