Monday, March 23, 2009

Noah has arrived

I gotta say, this little boy sure knows how to make an entrance! lol As most of you have noticed I've posted lovely pictures of our new addition. Noah was born 03/17/09 @ 2:38pm via c-section.

Clay and I went into the hospital Monday night for a planned induction. I was started on labor inducing meds and did pretty well with it...if you dont count the diareha and vomiting. Poor Clay didnt know what to do, but he was awesome and helped me a lot. By Tuesday morning things seemed to be progressing well (although slowly in my mind) I was at 2cm when the dr came to break my water. Unfortunatly at that time we started seeing signs that Noah wasnt handling labor very well. I was put on oxygen and turned on my side in order to make him more comfortable. As labor progressed we realized Noah was still in distress so the nurses tried an amnio-infusion...which is basically replacing the water that had broke earlier in the day. It helped a little bit but there was still concern. The word "c-section" was introduced to the game but I wasnt worried, I didnt think it would happen, I figured the nurses were just over-reacting. Than my doctor came in and when she saw Noah's heart rate she informed us that the c-section was DEFINETLY in the cards. She wanted to avoid it though so when I progressed to 10 (I went from 5-7-10 within minutes, thank God for an epidural!!) there was a mad dash to get me pushing and get him out! We got set up and Clay busted out the camera...he thought he was going to video tape...umm, no love, I dont think so ...he took some photos and I pushed 3 times than all of a sudden I hear "call NICU we're going to the OR"...huh?!

I wasnt aware at the time but Noah's heart rate dropped VERY low and my doctor was worried it may not come back up if that happened again.

At this point Clay was told to get on his garb to come with and they rushed me down the hall to the was like all the Lifetime movies when the woman is staring at the ceiling tiles flying by and thinking "what the hell is going on?!". I dont know if it happend too fast for me to think about it or if it was that I was clueless as to how much trouble my baby was in, either way I was glad I wasnt aware and freaking out. I knew this was best for him so I just let them do what they had to do and I followed along. The nurses kept calling the NICU (which I didnt like to hear) and the doctors and nurses were preping me for surgery. I kept hearing one nurse ask "is dad coming in?" no one would answer her. When finally I heard the anestsiologist (sp) say "no, she's going under. Come stand with her." I thought "I wont be able to hear my baby's 1st cry. And Clay wont be able to see his son being born" The nurse was trying to reassure me that I was doing well, which I thought was silly because what WAS I doing? Nothing. Laying there dazed and confused and wondering what the hell was going on. Than I was under.

Clay told me that while I was still in recovery, when he came to see me, I woke up shaking from the anestisia(sp) and saying that I hurt. I guess he tried to comfort me than the nurses gave me pains meds that knocked me out. I woke up again and noticed a nurse putting compression socks on my legs. Than I woke up again while a nurse was talking to me...I fell back asleep before she was finished! lol Clay says she was trying to explain the pain meds to me, he told her I couldnt hear her. When I finally woke again Clay was next to me...I dont remember what was said but I asked for the baby and he wasnt there. Which made me want to cry, I wanted to see him. I had no clue that poor Clay's first time seeing his son was when he was in the NICU...45mins after he was born. I also had no clue he was only 5lbs! During labor they kept saying that he wasnt decending properly because they thought his head was too big...I later found out that he wasnt decending properly because his very short cord was wrapped around his neck. The doctor told me later that because of his cord he would have never survived a vaginal birth. His apgar was only 4 when he 1st came out than went up to 8...thank god!

All in all, it was a rough labor and delivery. It got scary and it wasnt anything close to what we origianally wanted in a birth experiance. We looked forward to me going into labor naturally, laboring at home until we needed to go into the hospital and having a "natural" delivery. But obviously God knew better. He knew lil man wasnt going survive a natural birth so he allowed the doctors to control the situation. At times I find myself second guessing things I did thru the pregnancy. If what I did or didnt do caused his small placenta and umbillical cord. Was my heart the reason behind these difficulties. If I would have done something different would things have turned out better or different? But than I realize that we have the ultimate reward, our beautiful, healthy, blessing named Noah at 5lbs 10oz 19" long. All I need to do is be thankful he is here and he is safe.

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