Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Its complicated

Women are complicated. How can we not be?! We create and sustain life, we are maid, nurse, driver, tailor, chef, teacher, banker, counselor, vet, sex-kitten and church mouse. Women do so many things our lives are complicated so are brains are likely to be complicated too.

We talk in code at times "I'm fine" REALLY means "I'm not fine, I'm - - -(fill in the blank: pissed, hurt, sad, tired)"..."Leave me alone" REALLY means "Dont leave me alone! Show me you care"..."Shut up!" REALLY means "Say something to fix what you just broke"...So it makes complete sense when men have no clue what we are talking about, AT TIMES.

There is no excuse when a woman flat out tells you what she needs or wants. Regardless of your thought on the matter, whether her need/want is relavent or not, regarless if you THINK you already did that, regardless of what she may have said 5 minutes ago. When a woman flat out tells you what she wants or needs MAN (this means you) you need to pay attention! With all the hats we wear we typically are not going to ask for help or ask for a need or want to be met by anyone else because we usually just do it ourselves or over look it. So when a woman requests something of you, MAKE IT HAPPEN! This will show your love and self-sacrifice and show her that she is #1 in your heart <3 isnt that complicated

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