Friday, September 26, 2008

Ok 2nd tri ISNT so fun

Right before I got into second tri, about a week before, I started feeling better. I wasnt gagging from smells, I wasnt exhausted any more and my boobies were being nice and eased up on the pain and nipple protrusion. Yeah, I know, lets talk about nipples on the world wide web. Well I am cause its part of being pregnant along with gasy-ness, headaches and back aches . Maybe I should show this blog to my younger sister to scare her into keeping her legs crossed til marriage. LOL
Any who, I'll be starting....wait gotta add this: dont want no short short man....LOL its on the radio. OK, try again! I'll be 15 weeks monday and sadly the yuck has returned. I've felt sick everytime I've eaten in the last 2 days and I'm sooo tired! I really hope I'm not coming down with anything, although I'm pretty sure its just lovely hormones. And to think, just last week I was telling the myspace world how much I was enjoying 2nd tri... :sigh: hopefully this will pass soon.
Plus side to all this? I can feel my wee-one bouncing around in the evening. He/she is very active. And although I am certain I'm having a boy I'm still trying to be gender neutral, sometimes. I'm starting to get a bump, it'd probably be more noticeable if I wasnt chuncky already. lol But ya know, I'm ok with my body. It isnt the shape or size it was pre Adra, but its mine and I accept it. Clay and I had a discussion last night. Apperently he likes my thickness and doesnt want me to loose my hips, thighs or ass. Cool, I'm glad he likes em. After baby comes and I have my heart surgery I'm hoping to tone up a little. It would even be nice if I could run. But I'm pretty sure thickness is in my genes and Clay doesnt have to worry ;)

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