Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm a human incubator...

I almost feel alien like. I'm walking around, doing my every day thing, while this extra being is growing iside of me. Moving, "breathing", hiccuping ((which is way distracting)), even PEEING inside of me...its very weird. Why did God think this was the best way to produce another human? I guess I wont know that answer from some time but you can bet I WILL be asking when I get to heaven.

In other news we're getting married December 28th. I reserved the teeny tiny chapel the other day and promptly went into a panick attack LOL. Seriously, why is something so exciting so nerve wracking at the same time?! My mother is making all the arrangments. I planned on going to the chapel, saying vows and going home to take a nap. Why not? Cause my mother's eldest daughter is getting married so we'll have a limo, I'll walk down a red carpet into the chapel w/a gorgeous bouquet, resite my vows, take photos by the watrer fountain and then be wisked off to my reception at my brother's home. Where everyone will eat, drink and be merry. Its all very nice but still overwhelming. The bright ((and shinny side)) my ring will be here on Wednesday. I cant wait to put it on. I mean, yes its pretty, but the whole symbole of it and what it represents is way more important and makes me waaaaay more excited.

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