Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is it Wednesday already?

My week is (almost) done! Woo whooo, yeah baby!

No work Friday, I get to sleep in for 3 days before we hit the road on our major road trip. The idea of driving in seperate vehicals isnt exciting and the idea of driving a moving truck is kinda scary but the outcome is SO worth it. I miss my daughter, I miss my mother, I miss my siblings and I cant wait to smoosh my little nephew. I'm not sure how we're going to handle Mr Wonderful's parents though. His father is nice but his mother is not so wonderful and yet I've still got to try to be the bigger person. I dont want to go visit them but I have a feeling I may have to.

In other news. My office is having a little going away lunchon for me tomorrow. I get to chose what I want, I'm going with fried chicken picnic. Sounds yummy right?

We had a little picnic Sunday early afternoon. It got too hot and Piglet got fussy so we cut it short. But not before I got some pictures...

I love spending time with my boys. They're such blessings. Espesially when they act silly and do things like climb trees! I'm looking forward to spending time with them at the lake back home. I dont think I'll put Piglet in the water but we'll see how he likes the sand.

Friday, July 10, 2009

As my world turns

Its Fridaaaaay!
YAY! So glad I get the WHOLE weekend with my wonderful husband. I miss him all week. We're in "work mode" and dont really get quiet fun time. I'm gonna try to get him to have a picnic with me Sunday if it isnt terribly'll feel like 110 today. Yay for Texas heat! NOT! Cant wait till we're home where it only gets to 100. ;)

So, lets see...
-Interrupted sleep makes for weird dreams. I dreamt my brother was a super hero in red and silver tights. LOL I dreamt that I got invited to a huge party via huge pop tart. ::rolls eyes:: I dreamt that there were 3 of my nephew. One was mentally retarded, one was physically retarded and one was normal. Weird right?
-I'm having trouble sleeping. I'm sure my little Piglet doesnt help with waking a few times a night but when I do wake up it takes me about an hour to fall back asleep. That sucks!
-We got the movers scheduled to help us move Monday the 20th at 8am. But we're thinking of leaving the 21st now. I think we need to move it up instead, but we'll see.
-Piglet's dr thinks he's teething. He's been pretty unhappy in the evenings and falling asleep early from crying so much. I feel horrible for him when he does that little sniffle thing. Its so pathetic. :(
-Mr Wonderful said he's excited about moving home. Which I'm surprised to hear.But I'm thankful to know that he isnt super miserable. It helps me not feel as horribly guilty as I have been. I'm also surprised to hear that he doesnt plan on practicing until we're in FL. Wow!
- I'm so positive that this move will be good for our family I'm not worried about us any more. I have complete faith in God and know that He'll take care of us. He hasnt let me down yet so I know we'll be ok. I pray about it.
-I'm planning on doing home day care when we get there so I dont have to leave my kids any more. Cant stand having my baby at Stinky Sitter's home ;) even though she is very sweet and good to him, she isnt me.
-I think Mr Wonderful is considering taking a class to get his Class D for security in FL. That'd be wonderful!
And I think that wraps up my week. Happy Friday!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Love Dare: day 40 - All done!

Day: 40
Write out a renewal of your vows and place them in your home. Perhaps, if appropriate, you could make arrangements to formally renew your wedding vows before a minister and with family present. Make it a living testament to the value of marriage in God’s eyes and the high honor of being one with your mate.

Ruth 1:16
Where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.

40 days takes forever! Geez! maybe it wouldnt have taken so long if I'd have done the dares over the weekend too, but I didnt so oh well. Another thing I'm not going to do is rewrite or vows. We're commited to each other and I think our original vows work just fine for us. I just dont remeber what they are. Hopefully when we get to FL we can get the video of our wedding from his friends father. btw, he liked the letter.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day: 39 - the letter

I enjoy writing, thats why I've blogged every day of this challenge. But I always have to warm myself up to it. I got to put my "fore thoughts" out there before the meaty "hind thoughts" come pouring out....

I'm looking back over old letters, emails, text messages (which some of them got steamy!) and blogs between us or about you and it makes me smile. We went so fast! Our relationship developed so quickly, it was exciting! That is, after I realized you liked me! Ha ha. I had an idea that maybe you sorta-kinda liked me but I wasnt sure. My mother even told me "Sarah, will you PLEASE open your eyes?!". But it wasnt hard to finally see. You'd have little "status messages" on Myspace that made me giggle. Or you offered to drive me to church.
I always say your eyes are so expressive and I remember looking into them and seeing joy, excitement, affection, infatuation and maybe hope...all mixed together. I could look at you and those beautiful brown eyes would give me butterflies!

Those eyes still give me butterflies. I like to look at you. I love to just soak you in and think about our fun beginning. And than think about how interesting our lives are and how they are going to be as we get older. Ha! Can you imagine us old and gray and still picking on each other? Me poking you in the ear and you breathing on my neck or head to give me the shivers? I wont be able to bite you because my dentures might fall out ;) ha ha.

The movie talked about "dont listen to your heart it can be fooled..." you need to think with your head and make conscious choices. I didnt always think that way. I usually did the opposite. Dont get me wrong, when it came to making important choices regarding our relationship I prayed and thought on it before I made any moves. But now that we're married its easier to lead with my heart. All the "tough" choices are made. When things dont seem perfect, "thinking" with my heart seems easier because it speaks so much louder than my brain. My heart will cry with joy or pain and thats so much easier to deal with than digging deeper and thinking clearly. There have been many times you hurt me. With your words or actions. I never thought that would come from you. Which made it hurt all the more. I put you on a pedestal and I realized I shouldnt have because that set you up for failure and set me up for disappointment. We're human and no human is perfect. No matter how much we'd like to be. Or how much we'd like the other to be.

So I'm learning and working on using my head instead of my heart. If the two work together well, than fine. But if they're in contrast to one another, I'm going to think with my head 1st. I'm going to pray for you. And pray for me. And pray for us. I'm making a promise to fight fair and to try my hardest to never do anything that would hurt you. Even if you hurt me. I will still continue to support you 100% and more in everything. Even if you dont believe me. I'm going to remember the good times and I'm going to remember that your good out weighs your bad. I'm going to remember that I'm not perfect and things I say or do can irritate the hell crap out of you, but despite that you still love me and kiss me and hug me. I'm going to try not to "nag" you (even though I despise that word and dont believe *I* am capable of such deplorable behavior. I'm going to make mental pictures of you with the kids and enjoy those for years to come. Just like I remember the night you mentioned me becoming your wife (I can tell you all about that night in detail later).

I committed my life to you and that will never change. I will work on making our marriage the best it can be and I will love you with my everything until the day I stop breathing.

Love Dare: day 39

Day: 39
Spend time in personal prayer, then write a letter of commitment and resolve to your spouse. Include why you are committing to this marriage until death, and that you have purposed to love them no matter what. Leave it in a place that your mate will find it.

1 Corinthians 13:8 (NIV)
Love never fails.

This is going to take some concentration. And being that I havent felt well in a few days its going to take some time.