Friday, July 10, 2009

As my world turns

Its Fridaaaaay!
YAY! So glad I get the WHOLE weekend with my wonderful husband. I miss him all week. We're in "work mode" and dont really get quiet fun time. I'm gonna try to get him to have a picnic with me Sunday if it isnt terribly'll feel like 110 today. Yay for Texas heat! NOT! Cant wait till we're home where it only gets to 100. ;)

So, lets see...
-Interrupted sleep makes for weird dreams. I dreamt my brother was a super hero in red and silver tights. LOL I dreamt that I got invited to a huge party via huge pop tart. ::rolls eyes:: I dreamt that there were 3 of my nephew. One was mentally retarded, one was physically retarded and one was normal. Weird right?
-I'm having trouble sleeping. I'm sure my little Piglet doesnt help with waking a few times a night but when I do wake up it takes me about an hour to fall back asleep. That sucks!
-We got the movers scheduled to help us move Monday the 20th at 8am. But we're thinking of leaving the 21st now. I think we need to move it up instead, but we'll see.
-Piglet's dr thinks he's teething. He's been pretty unhappy in the evenings and falling asleep early from crying so much. I feel horrible for him when he does that little sniffle thing. Its so pathetic. :(
-Mr Wonderful said he's excited about moving home. Which I'm surprised to hear.But I'm thankful to know that he isnt super miserable. It helps me not feel as horribly guilty as I have been. I'm also surprised to hear that he doesnt plan on practicing until we're in FL. Wow!
- I'm so positive that this move will be good for our family I'm not worried about us any more. I have complete faith in God and know that He'll take care of us. He hasnt let me down yet so I know we'll be ok. I pray about it.
-I'm planning on doing home day care when we get there so I dont have to leave my kids any more. Cant stand having my baby at Stinky Sitter's home ;) even though she is very sweet and good to him, she isnt me.
-I think Mr Wonderful is considering taking a class to get his Class D for security in FL. That'd be wonderful!
And I think that wraps up my week. Happy Friday!

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