Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is it Wednesday already?

My week is (almost) done! Woo whooo, yeah baby!

No work Friday, I get to sleep in for 3 days before we hit the road on our major road trip. The idea of driving in seperate vehicals isnt exciting and the idea of driving a moving truck is kinda scary but the outcome is SO worth it. I miss my daughter, I miss my mother, I miss my siblings and I cant wait to smoosh my little nephew. I'm not sure how we're going to handle Mr Wonderful's parents though. His father is nice but his mother is not so wonderful and yet I've still got to try to be the bigger person. I dont want to go visit them but I have a feeling I may have to.

In other news. My office is having a little going away lunchon for me tomorrow. I get to chose what I want, I'm going with fried chicken picnic. Sounds yummy right?

We had a little picnic Sunday early afternoon. It got too hot and Piglet got fussy so we cut it short. But not before I got some pictures...

I love spending time with my boys. They're such blessings. Espesially when they act silly and do things like climb trees! I'm looking forward to spending time with them at the lake back home. I dont think I'll put Piglet in the water but we'll see how he likes the sand.

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