Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hello? Any one out there?

Its September 5th and its been some time since I last wrote. Lots has gone one since that time! We have settled into our new place in Florida. Its a cute lil condo in St Cloud. Love it...well all but the 70's style wall paper in every flippin room of the house! Me and the ladies spent some time in Long Boat Key. Our little Piglet has mastered turning from back to belly, and successfully getting stuck in that position! Ha ha he hates it. Monkey Face turned 10! Double digits is a big age. Piglet went thru a rough patch when where he had thrush and teething issues. Mr Wonderful and I are still working on getting jobs going. He has some temp things going on and a bunch of gigs but I stil havent got anything. Hopefully we'll get steady soon. At the moment I am babysitting my adorable little nephew and he's driving moneky face crazy, so I have to go.

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