Wednesday, January 12, 2011

long awaited return...

I'm sure its been long awaited by my MASS o' fans ::cricket sound::.....ok maybe not. Either way I have definetly needed to do some writing and not just for educational purposes. Since starting online classes last summer I have had little to no free time to do things I enjoy, I cant tell you the last time I picked up a novel.

So lets see, I have started online classes with AIU, its accelerated learning, its difficult...idk how I like it but it is what it is.

Piglet is now almost 2

Monkey Face is in 6th grade (aaaahhhh!!!!)

Mr Wonderful is still gigging

I have discovered long lost sisters :)

And I called the cops on my mom. Long story which I am not going into detail about right now, it doesnt matter any way!

Any who, I decided to revisit the blog because I miss writing and because I want to restart my Love Dare. It went well the 1st time so I expect it to this time as well. Not that I want to kill my husband or anything ::cough cough:: ;) some things just need refreshing. SO on that note the 1st day (which will start tomorrow) is as follows....

Day 1:"Resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose to say nothing at all."

Being that I am perfect (pointed out by Mr Wonderful who happens to be saying it sarcasticly) I shouldnt have a problem with this. I try to not say negative things because 1) I dont want to have to apologize for them (yeah, thats just wrong...) and 2) because hurtful words are pointless. They dont fix anything, in fact they usually break things!

We'll see how this goes...

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