Friday, October 24, 2008

Baby is a BOY!!

Well, we went Wednesday to have the BIG ultra sound. And after poking, pushing and measuring we were able to see that baby is definitely 100% boy! It was a great experience to share with Clay and Adra. I'm glad they both were there. Adra was excited too, I could tell cause she wouldnt stop talking! lol She was asking questions about everything and everyone. She was even pretending to be an u/s tech while we were waiting for the Dr. By the way, I'm glad they were nice at that office and had gel warmer for my tummy. Any way, the Dr measure Noah growing right on scheduale, everything is growing and working properly.

The Dr asked Clay "what do you think the baby is?" And of course he said, "I hope its a boy"...Adra added her two cents and said "but it could be a girl". To which the Dr replied "well, dad's are usually right arent they?" and BOOM on the screen was lil boy parts. No tears were shed, we were excited and kept saying "I cant believe it IS a boy" we gave each other a high 5! LOL Only us ;) We're very happy to have one of each, it makes them both equally special in their own uniqe ways. We're very blessed and thankful,

1 comment:

MiMi said...

Hi!! Thanks for the comments! I will also be following your blog!!