Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Even a good team has issues

It never fails, as soon as I speak about how thankful or how happy I am with X or Y something happens. I'm trying not to stress over DH not working regulrarly, I'm hoping that I can take the time off with our son when he comes and we wont go broke because of it, I'm hoping that work will start coming around. And I hope I can stop crying over this crap. Its his problem, not mine. I can take care of monkey face and me and screw everything else, as seems to be his current thought pattern. But thats not me, thats not how I am, therefore I stress. And when I try to talk to him about it he doesnt help ease my worries, he gets defensive. Because he is supposed to be the man of the house and he beats himself up over not taking the lead, yet instead of doing something about it he just gets pissy. So frustrating!

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