Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh what a week

Lets start with Monday, the day "Good ol fat ass" made herself known by causing yet another rift in the family. Nothing too big but enough to piss me off. Tuesday morning came along, I didnt want to get out of bed but I did. I felt "off" all morning so when the cramps started I got worried. I tried my hardest NOT to let myself freak out or worry so I chugged my water, put my feet on and kept on with my day. But 2hrs later when the cramps werent stopping something told me I needed to be a lil worried. I started timing them and they were coming pretty consistant. Not getting any more intense but not backing off either. I let Clay know he was on stand by. I called the Dr and she was on lunch so an hr passed before I reached her and she informed me that I needed to come in. God bless his heart he had to be flying cause Clay made it to my office in about 20mins when it should have taken him about twice that. I think we were both a lil worried but we didnt let it get out of hand. We even laughed and joked in the waiting room at the office.

I got taken back, my BP was up....I blame that on the fact that I was freaking out over early labor. Dr did a u/s which showed Noah's big ol head was in the position and ready to go...just in case. My exam showed no dilation or effacement but the Dr still wasnt happy with the frequency of the contractions so I was put on bedrest ((boooo)), pelvic rest ((booo again)) and Terbutaline ((BOOO w/a capital B)).

Fastforward to that afternoon, monkey face had an eye appt that I was NOT about to miss. She's been having vision problems for some time and now that she has insurance we needed to get on it. Lucky for me we made it, a lil late, and she is nearsighted with slight astigmatism in her right eye. Great! So she needs glasses BCBS doesnt cover hardware....$200 later monkey faces blue, floral Nine West glasses were sent to get her presription lenses. Another $200 when they come in and she'll be all set. Great, no?!

I've been on bedrest since I got home from her appt and I'm not enjoying it. I'm not complaining as much this time as last because I dont want my boy coming before his time. But my body hurts, my head curts and I'm shaking like a fiend ((all thanks to terbutaline)). I'm also afraid to go back to work. Part of me wants to say its ok, I'm on the pill I can go back to normal. But the other part of me wants to lay in bed another 2-4 weeks until its safe for him to come out. I think I'm going to go to work for a few hrs today and see how I feel. Wish me luck!

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