Wednesday, July 30, 2008

1st weird wedding dream

Last night I have this dream, I'm watching it like a movie, and I tell Clay to get ready for the wedding but he was too busy watching UFC and he wasn’t listening.
So I walk out to get the MOH (who happens to be an old friend who I haven’t seen in forever) to help me get dressed and we go to the flippin Texaco next to my apartment to get ready in the isle! lol She has on this UGLY yellow dress with a reddish orange sash, and I have on the dress I like but it has a black sash on it, apparently to hide the left over baby bump. She tied the sash to the side and I didnt like it so I took it off to adjust it but then it shrank and I couldnt put it back on.
I said screw it and went over to the Salvation Army shelter so I could walk down the aisle! I get there, and my son (who is supposed to only be 3-4 months old) is standing there in a lil tux, he's about the size of a 2yr old but he has that deep voice (you know like the lil guy who smokes cigars? lol) and he says 'dont worry ma, I'll walk you down the stinkin aisle.'
LMAO...just wait it gets better!! I walk into the SIDE door, so I have to excuse me, pardon me shuffle all the way through the BUMS to get to the aisle. Clay is standing there in khaki bermuda shirts, some dumb a$s black band tshirt and his freakin Converse and says 'baby, what are you doing coming thru the side?!' and I tell him 'dont worry just get your behind up there!' lol Than the alarm went off and I woke up. Crazy huh?!?!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back on track

Well after the shocking news of last Thirsday, I got totally thrown off the wedding-planning track. So I decided to take the weekend off. I didnt look at any wedding related items, I spent time with my honey bun and we even look at baby names (side note: I REALLY want a boy, Noah Ishod is the name we picked for him). It was good for us to let this all sink in instead of being overwhelmed with baby AND wedding stuff.

So this morning I got back on TheKnot to look at planning stuff and try to get my juices flowing. Also I sent off a big email to Buck, my 'wedding planner' at the reception location. I asked him to start working on finding a DJ and a decorator and to work up a qoute for a cocktail hour and alcohol at the reception for at least 2 hrs. When I go to Florida next week, my mother and I will meet with him and probably put down the deposit for that date. Feels good to be planning again!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Oh. My. Gawd.

So....on the day of our one year countdown, we find out I'm pregnant. Oh. My.Gawd. Lets start from the begining...for about a month now Clay has been teasing me on and off claiming I'm pregnant. I told him to stop saying that word. LOL Neither one of us were ready for another kid right now, Adra is plenty. Insert: I miss my baby! Next: My last flow was a little wonky but thats understandable when you come off BC. So when I started getting the PMS symptoms I figured "good aunt flow is on her way"....but she didnt show up. I thought "ok maybe next week". But there was a voice in the back of my head that said "Sarah, you know it aint coming, you're pregnant" but denial kept me from believing it. THAN, this is the biggy, nausea showed up. I'm NEVER nauseous. I started to question it. Than I came home and told Clay (before we went to church that night) that I was going to the store to get a pregnancy test. The joking stopped than. He told me he didnt want a kid and I told him he should have kept his penis in his pants then. But we both kinda knew the test would be positive.

Fast forward to the next morning, Clay left for work at 5:30am, I got up around 7 to take a shower. I almost forgot about the test. But I went to get it, started the shower and brushed my teeth ( I think lol). I'm standing there, as naked as the day God made me (sorry for the visiual) FREAKING OUT! lol I'm rubbing my face, ohmygodohmygodohmygod, My hands are going thru my hair...and I'm thinking 'that test worked too quick, maybe its wrong'. So I went in the shower, still freaking out. And when I get out, the test is still there, looking at me, all positive and crap. I think it would laugh if it could have. I went on to work, taking the evidence with me, and tried my damndest not to tell any one. I really hoped the test was wrong but I knew it wasnt. I kept looking at it through out the day lol, yes I did one of those. And than Sharon called and I blurted it out. I couldnt keep it to myself. So after an emergency conference with Mary and Sharon I kinda calmed down and decided I'd go take a blood test at Planned Parenthood to confirm it.

I had text Clay earlier that day to ask him to come get me after work and when he showed up he already knew why. I told him I was going to take the test and he said he'd come along. That he was kinda excited. BOY did that lift a load off my shoulders. I really expected a different reaction. We went and the doc had me do a pee test before she poked me. She came in and said 'you are DEFINETLY pregnant'. No need for a blood test, the symptoms, and 2 tests were all I needed. We walked out and he asked 'so what did they say?' and I showed him the paper it said 'Report of Pregnancy'. We both lost it! lol I went nuts and he got excited! lol I kept cursing and saying 'I'M PREGNANT! I'M PREGNANT!' He told me to calm down and I did after I got my chocolate frosty. ^_^

So now we are getting excited for our new addition. We're still planning on keeping the wedding the same date. And we havent told our families yet. I plan to in 2 weeks when I go home for a few days. But he wont for a while. This is going to be an exciting year.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

1 year and 3 days

I have been looking at the ticker since I created that but for some reason this morning was different. It made my stomach flip, in a good way. You know like when you ride over the railroad tracks and you get that funny feeling? I know you know what I'm talking about.
Wow I cant believe that in just a number of days I'm going to be Mrs F. I'm excited. We opened our first joint account. I know its trivial but its still kinda major to me.

With that said...I have a year and three months to try and get this stuff together! I thought I had a caterer but now someone recommended this person and another person recommended that person and these people seem like more of a fit. And WHY is it when I email my vendors they take forever to respond? Lordy thats annoying. I think they should at least have an auto reply to say 'hey I got the message give me a day or 2'...any who I still havent put a deposit on anything but I'm fairly certian we'll get the church, reception location and photog. At least now that we have that account I know how much money I have to work with.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First the headache now the upset stomach...

To much stuff going on! I found a photographer, Jessica Leigh. I found a jack of all trades caterer All 4 One Events: food, drink, DJ and decor. I'm going to reserve the Berlinsky House for the reception and I'm almost certain I'll get the church if I can get thru the red tape of the premarital counseling. We have to have it to get married there, but its kinda hard to do when you're 1,000 miles away. But as soon as I can put deposits down on everything I'll feel better. My next worry will be paying for a honeymoon. FI is dead set on that and with the wedding already costing $5K (not including any rings or attire or transportation) idk how we'll do that. Like I said...I have an upset stomach!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm getting a headache already!

Alright so the 4th of July was the day of our official engagement. I feel like thats the same day the starting gun went off! I have a lil over a year but all these ideas are floating around in my head. I have ideas of how I want my dress to look but because my mother still isnt here I havent gone dress shopping. She lives in FL, we live in TX. My daughter went over there for a mini vacation in June and still isnt back so I miss her terribly! Mom was supposed to come back yesterday with my baby and since I spoke with her last night she didnt seem to be hoofin it any time soon.

Than I'm tetering on the reception location. I found a place I fell in love with but FI is telling me to hold off until he speaks with his parents. Apprently they (may) have a timeshare and (may) be able to get us a reception location. We'll see how that works.

Than I decided I'd get some figures from local vendors to see how much stuff usually costs. As far as I'm aware, FI and I are the only ones paying for anything. My mother says she'd like to help, and plans to do so (when, idk) but she isnt working. How is she going to do that? And FI's folks...dont even get me started! He spoke with his mother on Sunday and told her about our engagement, she wasnt exactly thrilled and FIL hasnt even called us to back.

THAN, my mother calls me last night to tell me how selfish I am to want to have my wedding on a Friday. How are people going to attend? Come on now, Its not like we are inviting our old middle school PE teachers who we havent seen in numerous years. We are inviting close friends and family. If close friends and family cant take off ONE Friday over the summer to attend our wedding than something is seriously wrong!

Where's the Tylenol?!

Its official

So since about a month after we started dating we have been takling about getting married. And since last month we actually started planning the wedding. But it wasnt till last night that he actually got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.
We went out to a wonderful Japanese resturant last night. Beautiful place. We had some great plum wine. Than went to the wine bar and got a nice cigar to enjoy while watching fireworks. We drove out to watch fireworks and I had no clue. Its funny how we've been talking about it but I was still surprised when he asked. YAY US! lol

The story of us

I know so many people love telling their story over and over...and I'm no exception! lol Every good story starts with something that cathes the readers attention, but I cant say we had that. It was a very normal, kinda boring beggining.

I formaly met Clay at church, he showed up with buddies of my brother. I knew the buddies through my brother so I went over and said 'hey'. They introduced me to Clay and I remembered him from HS. My brother and his friends are younger than me, so I didnt know them in HS but I knew of them. I had mentioned to Clay, 'thats right, you're the one who went from an afro to shaving your head, and no one could believe it!' We met up again at another church event one night. Every friday night my church had this thing called Epic for the 20-somethings (18-33, how thats 20-something idk). Clay was there with the same buddies and I was there with a girlfriend of mine so of course I didnt pay the young ones any attention (they are 3-4yrs younger than I am). But eventually the group of us that met up at church every Friday dwindled down to Clay and I (and one more friend who bounced all over the place).So we started sitting together and talking after church, than that talking turned into hanging out. I thought "great I have a new, really cool friend to hang out with". It took me 2 months to realize he wasnt just hanging out with me for the fun of it. lol I was a little slow
But as soon as I realized this wonderful man liked ME I was so excited. My friends at work nicknamed me Tinkerbell (we lived in FL at the time, close to Disney. And most of us have a love/hate relation w/"the mouse") because we were so mushy and sweet that it was sickening lol
We started dating in the begining of Sept, we had lunch dates every week and we went to the movies or out to eat often. We really became glued at the hip within that month. I couldnt believe how lucky I was to find someone who could possibly be "The One". And I've learned now that he felt like he was dreaming. He tells me now that he used to worry it was all a dream and he'd wake up and I wouldnt be there.
So just as we're slipping into the honeymoon phase of a new relation, he tells me he is going to Texas to check out a university he is interested in attending. At first I didnt think anything of it, people check out schools all the time, it doesnt mean that school is the right fit. But than he went over to visit, and I have to admit, I was a little bummed. Why did I find this guy just in time to loose him to another state? But I didnt let him know I felt that way, I called and text and encouraged him to do his best at the audition (for music college). And when he came back he told me how important that was to him. It helped him a lot and he was thankful to be falling for someone so wonderful.
A few weeks later, the begining of Oct, my cousin passed away. We knew she was diagnosed w/lung cancer but we werent sure what was going to happen. We were hopful that with her being so young (41) she'd be able to fight it. But she didnt. And since I am the rock of my family, I made sure to help mother make preperations to attend the funeral (in PA). I comforted my sister and daughter and tried to comfort my mother. But it got late (about 1230am) and I was tired and upset and everyone was going to sleep. I called Clay and he came over and he became MY comfort, he let me cry on his chest (I'm to short to reach his shoulder lol) and talked to me for hours. He helped me a lot that night. And when I went to PA to attend the funeral we were on the phone or texting the whole time, which helped me not be miserable. One night when we were on the phone (I remember everything about that night) I was telling him how at church everyone knows me as Adra's mom, they dont know my name. And he said 'maybe one day you'll be known as Clay's wife'. If I werent on the phone I would have screamed like a teenager, I was so excited! After hanging up the phone I ran in and told my mother, my aunt and my grandmother. My grandmother told me
'it doesnt matter if you've known him 4months or 4yrs if you know than you just know.'
When I came back from PA we: myself, my 8yo daughter and Clay, went out to dinner. It was late and my daughter was over excited so she got a headache and fell asleep at the table! Poor thing. While she was sleeping and we were trying to quietly eat dinner Clay told me he fell for me and was looking forward to spending a looooong time with me, if I got what he was saying (how cute, he stammers something terrible when he is nervous so I let it go at that cause he may have passed out if I prssed for anything more ) But how were we going to make it work if he was moving to Texas? I told him, if he'd have me, I was going to come along. So now ,10 months later, he, me and my mini me are living in Texas as one happy little has been interesting. lol but we