Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm getting a headache already!

Alright so the 4th of July was the day of our official engagement. I feel like thats the same day the starting gun went off! I have a lil over a year but all these ideas are floating around in my head. I have ideas of how I want my dress to look but because my mother still isnt here I havent gone dress shopping. She lives in FL, we live in TX. My daughter went over there for a mini vacation in June and still isnt back so I miss her terribly! Mom was supposed to come back yesterday with my baby and since I spoke with her last night she didnt seem to be hoofin it any time soon.

Than I'm tetering on the reception location. I found a place I fell in love with but FI is telling me to hold off until he speaks with his parents. Apprently they (may) have a timeshare and (may) be able to get us a reception location. We'll see how that works.

Than I decided I'd get some figures from local vendors to see how much stuff usually costs. As far as I'm aware, FI and I are the only ones paying for anything. My mother says she'd like to help, and plans to do so (when, idk) but she isnt working. How is she going to do that? And FI's folks...dont even get me started! He spoke with his mother on Sunday and told her about our engagement, she wasnt exactly thrilled and FIL hasnt even called us to back.

THAN, my mother calls me last night to tell me how selfish I am to want to have my wedding on a Friday. How are people going to attend? Come on now, Its not like we are inviting our old middle school PE teachers who we havent seen in numerous years. We are inviting close friends and family. If close friends and family cant take off ONE Friday over the summer to attend our wedding than something is seriously wrong!

Where's the Tylenol?!

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