Sunday, July 27, 2008

Oh. My. Gawd.

So....on the day of our one year countdown, we find out I'm pregnant. Oh. My.Gawd. Lets start from the begining...for about a month now Clay has been teasing me on and off claiming I'm pregnant. I told him to stop saying that word. LOL Neither one of us were ready for another kid right now, Adra is plenty. Insert: I miss my baby! Next: My last flow was a little wonky but thats understandable when you come off BC. So when I started getting the PMS symptoms I figured "good aunt flow is on her way"....but she didnt show up. I thought "ok maybe next week". But there was a voice in the back of my head that said "Sarah, you know it aint coming, you're pregnant" but denial kept me from believing it. THAN, this is the biggy, nausea showed up. I'm NEVER nauseous. I started to question it. Than I came home and told Clay (before we went to church that night) that I was going to the store to get a pregnancy test. The joking stopped than. He told me he didnt want a kid and I told him he should have kept his penis in his pants then. But we both kinda knew the test would be positive.

Fast forward to the next morning, Clay left for work at 5:30am, I got up around 7 to take a shower. I almost forgot about the test. But I went to get it, started the shower and brushed my teeth ( I think lol). I'm standing there, as naked as the day God made me (sorry for the visiual) FREAKING OUT! lol I'm rubbing my face, ohmygodohmygodohmygod, My hands are going thru my hair...and I'm thinking 'that test worked too quick, maybe its wrong'. So I went in the shower, still freaking out. And when I get out, the test is still there, looking at me, all positive and crap. I think it would laugh if it could have. I went on to work, taking the evidence with me, and tried my damndest not to tell any one. I really hoped the test was wrong but I knew it wasnt. I kept looking at it through out the day lol, yes I did one of those. And than Sharon called and I blurted it out. I couldnt keep it to myself. So after an emergency conference with Mary and Sharon I kinda calmed down and decided I'd go take a blood test at Planned Parenthood to confirm it.

I had text Clay earlier that day to ask him to come get me after work and when he showed up he already knew why. I told him I was going to take the test and he said he'd come along. That he was kinda excited. BOY did that lift a load off my shoulders. I really expected a different reaction. We went and the doc had me do a pee test before she poked me. She came in and said 'you are DEFINETLY pregnant'. No need for a blood test, the symptoms, and 2 tests were all I needed. We walked out and he asked 'so what did they say?' and I showed him the paper it said 'Report of Pregnancy'. We both lost it! lol I went nuts and he got excited! lol I kept cursing and saying 'I'M PREGNANT! I'M PREGNANT!' He told me to calm down and I did after I got my chocolate frosty. ^_^

So now we are getting excited for our new addition. We're still planning on keeping the wedding the same date. And we havent told our families yet. I plan to in 2 weeks when I go home for a few days. But he wont for a while. This is going to be an exciting year.

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