Monday, April 6, 2009

OMG I'm so excited!

I havent been happier in months! Ok, so I was estatic at my wedding and when Noah was born but right now I feel so releaved!

I was up last night until 5am...I went to be around 1030-11 but couldnt sleep. While laying in bed with my wonderful husband I asked him to pray about our situation. I want to go home and he doesnt. He told me he wasnt praying for anything other than me feeling better than living here, then he fell asleep and started snoring. Which ticked me off, I cant stand his snoring when I'm upset with him. LOL Any who, I got up and got online, watched some TV and just couldnt get settled enough to sleep. Around 2am Piglet woke up hungry so I had to nurse him. Around 3am I went to lay down...HALF HOUR LATER he woke up again!! I tried to lay down again at 4 but he woke up again! I was finally able to go to sleep at 5am but was woken at a quater to 7 to start all over again.

Any who, while I was awake I emailed him at 1am. I told him how much being here is bothering me and I felt that if he didnt have anything to hold him here than we should go home. Our families are missing our childrens lives and Monkey Face and I are very unhappy. I made a compromise and told him that if he doesnt have steady work by Dec we'd go home. He read the email later and told me I was abandoning him, giving up on his goals and dreams. I was upset with that so we talked about it further and I assured him that I have 100% faith in him and I have no doubt that he can go where ever he wants and make a career. In the end we decided that we can go home!!! Only down side is if he doesnt find steady gigs he wants to join the Army band....which leaves me to be a single mother to two children while he's globe trotting doing his thing. But I guess one hurdle at a time. I cant have everything so I'll be satisfied with what we'll get. I'll continue to pray and trust in God that he'll provide for us.

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