Friday, April 10, 2009

Yes, I love that man of mine

Idk why BeetleJuice just jumped in my head, but theres a qoute of the day for ya.
Like all relations and marriages, my WH and I go thru good and bad times. But thats why its in the vows, you're told ahead of time that there WILL be good and bad, better and worse, sickness and health. And you're given ONE LAST chance to change your mind. No matter how infuriating my WH gets, I will never change my mind. I may doubt his judgement or reasoning. I may want to choke him for inconsiderate remarks or behaviors. But when It comes down to it, my WH is my very best friend. He loves me unconditionally and I him. I wouldnt change ONE thing about him...ok so there are some things I have to pray about for God to change, but thats apart of who he is and I accept that. Since the birth of our son my WH has been SO, well, wonderful! He's been super helpful and super understanding. I dont think he full knows how much I appreciate him and all he does. He's away on business this weekend so I have to think of a good way to repay his deeds when he returns. ;)

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