Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stuck in the middle

I'm not sure how many people follow my blog...matter fact, I'm not sure ANY ONE follows my blog. But here goes....

Monkey face and I have been dying to get back home for some time and now I'm worried we'll have to resign ourselves to staying in TX. I want to cry when I think of it. We made an agreement but I really think its bull shit puckey and wanna break it. Here I am mother of two, wife to one Wonderful Husband, sister, daughter, sister in law, aunt....I'm stuck with the weight of the world on my shoulders. I feel its in the best interest for my children to be home in FL. Home with their extended family to provied vital love, support and spoil sessions. I feel its important for a healthy child to be raised in a friendly environment. I feel I have more and more reasons that my WH COULD move to FL and still do his thing. And yet, he doesnt want to budge. And here I am, missing everyone, wanting to return home and dont feel I can.

I came to visit FL for a few days, a very unplanned, jetsetter mentality got me and the kids (still weird to say) on a plane and in FL for the weekend. Which was good cause WH and I have been on the outs and I needed a break from him. I was kinda hoping, in the back of my mind, that visiting would make me less homesick and I could stop "nagging" him about our agreement and just live and let live until Dec. But now, I feel more than ever, a strong need to get the hell out of TX. My mother is even trying to tell me to just leave, WH would HAVE to follow. But that doesnt sound like a wonderful plan. Everyone here keeps telling me, over and over and over, how I need to be home, I need to do it soon, I NEED to do this and that. I dont NEED to do anything, I desire to do many things but I am a married woman and I need to consider, if not sucome(sp) to my husbands desires. Which sucks ass butt. Being a Christian woman I have to let my husband be the head of the household. Being an imperfect woman I think to myself "I'm the bread winner, I take care of the home, I am the spiritual leader, I can make the choices alone"...Oh how I wish it were that easy.

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