Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Love Dare

I came across a journal entry on Baby Center and decided this is just what we need. According to the OP the love Dare Challange is from a book and is in relation to Fireproof. A movie I've been wanting to watch for sometime. Any way, the idea is that every day I take a different challange to improve my marriage and with the way things have been recently I think we def need it. I've been stressed beyond belife and lashing out at my WH and he's returned the favor. So here goes!

Day 1:
"Resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose to say nothing at all."

The fact that WH was sleeping when I left this morning and he is now at work until 10pm makes this easy...maybe I should start tomorrow? No, I'll start today. I have spoken to him and I'm sure I'll speak to him when he gets home tonight. Plus I've already said NICE things to him. So there.

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