Friday, June 12, 2009

Love dare: day 27

Day 27:

Eliminate the poison of unrealistic expectations in your home. Think of one area where your spouse has told you you’re expecting too much, and tell them you’re sorry for being so hard on them about it. Promise them you’ll seek to understand, and assure them of your unconditional love.

Psalm 25:20 (NIV)
Guard my soul and deliver me; do not let me be ashamed, for I take refuge in You.

Nom nom nom...I'm eating a snack mix. When I was pregnant with Piglet I had this snack mix almost every day of my 1st trimester. Than I literally got sick of it (yuck =x) so I stopped eating it. Well I'm eating it again and its goood.

Any who. Last night I didnt fulfill my challange. Of course your curious as to why. Well thats because I fell asleep! Not only did I fall asleep while the baby was in his swing ::gasp!:: irresposnsible! But I fell asleep at 830pm LOL. My back was injured last Friday. I was scaling a steep rock wall and lost my footing, I started to fall when the rigging caught me and I jerked so hard from my free fall that my back twisted.....Ok so in reality I hurt it while putting my pants on, but thats besides the point. I hurt my back and I've been taking muscle relaxers and/or pain pills. Dont worry, I havent taken much so Piglet hasnt been affected, but it makes ME super sleepy. So when Mr Wonderful came home from rehersal I was knocked out with Piglet in bed with me, still in nursing position but sleeping. LOL Yeah, I was too lazy to get up and nurse so I laid in bed with him and let him go for it. Dont worry, he's an expert, he knows what he's doing.

Any way, I *think* Mr Wonderful will be home all day today and tonight, so I will talk to him tonight about "nagging" him (I hate that word). I will apologize for being difficult during the last few months and for becoming someone I've never wanted to become. But if I asked him where he believed I was being unrealistic it would be the area I always "nag" him about. I've asked him several times in the last year and eight months to please help me around the house by putting his things away. That is the one and only thing I really wanted from him. He didnt need to clean the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, NOTHING because I just needed him to pick up after himself. And he "couldnt" do that because it wasnt a priority...ok I'm getting off on a tangent. The point is I needed him to do these things and I bugged him about it but it isnt unrealistc to expect. Although he'd disagree. So in reality there isnt anything I should apologize for in that respect.

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