Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Love Dare: Day 33

Day 33
Recognize that your spouse is integral to your future success. Let them know today that you desire to include them in your upcoming decisions, and that you need their perspective and counsel. If you have ignored their input in the past, admit your oversight and ask them to forgive you.

Ecclesiastes 4:11 (NIV)
If two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone?

THIS is a touchy subject. When *I* decided to move back to Florida I didnt include him in my choice. I tired, I really did, but it didnt end up that way. Its funny how this all evolved...ok, maybe not so funny and more odd. I got home sick while I was still pregnant. I got emotional one night and went to sit at the park for about 45mins and cried my eyes out. It was an ugly cry with fluids dripping from places all over my face. LOL I wished I had my family, I missed them SO much. But I pushed it to the side and told myself that I moved to Texas for my (now) husband and I'll just have to suck it up. Closer to the birth of our little Piglet I felt a little home sick again, I was upset that none of my family would be there for the birth but, again, I buried that and embraced the time as a new start with MY family. But soon after Piglet was born I couldnt push it off any more. Maybe it was because I pushed it off for so long, maybe it was hormones either way I brought it up to Mr Wonderful and he made it clear that there was no way we'd be going back. Now I could say "well, he didnt include me in THAT decision..." but I try (try being the operative word) not to base my behavior off others actions/words so. I prayed on it, I *tried* (there's that word again) to talk to him about it more but the more we tried to talk about it the more angry he got with me. It caused lots of arguments and stress. I prayed more and I thought about it more and it just hurt me more and more.

I mean, here I am, trying my damndest to make a life with my husband and children all the while I'm hurting inside. I gave up my life for the one I was/am currently living and I was NOT happy. I was just accepting. And for what? So my husband could be gone hours or days at a time working, leaving me alone with 2 kids (on Easter might I add). Or so my husband could focus more on his interests and wants while ignoring that of our family? Such is life of the wife to a musician but I am in no way enjoying this. How can I? I'm regularly left to be a single mother with no friends, no family and no life.

And all the while I feel tremendously guilty for doing this to him. People would think I'm nuts but I do. I love my husband. He IS my best friend he IS my soulmate. He IS my lover and confidant. I'd do anything I could to make him happy and I know that by doing this to him I'm hurting him. So yeah, I feel like a bad wife. I feel like I cant be a good mom and a good wife at the same time while trying to be true to myself as well.

SO yeah I didnt include him in my decision to move home and he didnt include me in his decision to stay here. We're both pissed at upset with each other when it comes to our living arrangements. And thats a major decision that we really shouldnt talk about because it wont get us any where but angry.

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