Monday, June 15, 2009

Love Dare: Day 28

Day: 28
What is one of the greatest needs in your spouse’s life right now? Is there a need you could lift from their shoulders today by a daring act of sacrifice on your part? Whether the need is big or small, purpose to do what you can to meet the need.

1 John 3:16 HCSB
He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers.

I get my daily challenges from The Love Dare Official Site they have a community that members can comment on their daily challenges and how they plan to fulfill them. Sometimes I read them and my heart breaks for these husbands and wives who are truly struggling to keep their marriages in tact. I'm blessed that I'm not in that boat. Granted we are at a crucial place in our marriage but I'm hopeful that at the end of the day all things will work out for the best. I know Mr Wonderful doesnt want to move back to times I worry that he thinks I've doomed him to failure by "forcing" him to return. At the beginning I was worried that the move would lead to just that. But I pray on a regular basis for him and our family and the future and I'm confidant that God's plan for us hasnt changed, we've just moved to plan B. Our preacher once told us that our "plan B" may have been God's "plan A" all the time, we just werent aware of it. So, we'll see. But in either case I'm thankful that my husband DOES realize the value of our family and chose to come with us. At one point I didnt think he would come because he was worried about himself and not us.

This weekend I realized how dependant I am on my husband. I have NO "external life". Outside of my home I have no friends I see on a regular basis. I have no places I visit for my enjoyment. I have no family to spend Sundays with. I have my four walls, my husband and my children. Returning to FL will end that. Thank the good Lord. Because that isnt healthy.

Usually when I get into writing my dare I have no clue how I'll fulfill it and by the time I finish writing the intro I have my ah ha! moment. It took me a while to get it today (it was right about ....^...there) but I realized I shouldnt be deciding what Mr Wonderful needs, I should be asking what he needs. When I get home tonight I'll ask him.

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