Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Love dare: day 34

Day: 34
Find a specific, recent example when your spouse demonstrated Christian character in a noticeable way. Verbally commend them for this at some point today.

1 Corinthians 13:6 (NIV)
[Love] does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.

Last night I told my husband that I was doing the love dare the conversation went like this:

MW: what was your 1st dare?
Me: to not say any negative things and only say positive.
MW: is that why you've been so nice?
Me: ::laughs:: yes
MW: and this was today?
Me: no, it was 32 days ago.
MW: ::stunned look:: really?!
Me: yeah, I'm on day 33
.....pause and silence.....
MW: ::jokingly:: does this mean the niceness is going to stop soon? Since the dare will be over?
Me: no, because that was only the 1st day, you have to institute the (collective) dares each day.
....another pause and silence.....
MW: ::no longer joking:: so does this mean our marriage is trouble?
Me: it means at one point I did think our marriage was in trouble. So I started the dare and its taught me a lot and helped me change my mind set.

That was the end of that. I went and sat with him after I was finished cleaning the kitchen and dozed off under his arm and on his chest. The best place in the world to be.

I think Mr Wonderful tries to glorify God on a regular basis. But like myself he doesnt always succeed. So I think commending him on this might help encourage I just have to think of something specific. This is hard. I have no clue what specific thing I could point out to him. When I get stuck for ideas I look at the Official Love Dare website but today it isnt very helpful. I mean the one entry there talks about a husband doing things he SHOULD do but doesnt have to and how appreciative the poster is. I thank him on a regular basis for being so helpful and running Piglet to and from the sitters. And being helpful around the house when he can. So...20mins into writing this blog I sent him a text. I wasnt exactly sure what I was going to write but I found something to say. It said truly what I felt "I'm so glad that you're a godly man & that you love me & the kids enough to sacrifice for us".

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