Monday, May 25, 2009

Love Dare: Day 16

Love Dare: Day 16
Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in your spouse's life and in your marriage.

3 John 2
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

Its Memorial Day Monday and I have off work today. We're supposed to go bowling but at the moment Mr Wonderful is snoozing on the couch and Piglet is in his Pack n Play. I wanna take Monkey Face to Target aka Heaven for Shoppers ;) but idk when Piglet will wake up and I dont want to disturb Mr Wonderful. I have been slacking in the Dare dept. this weekend. I can blame it on the fact that Mr Wonderful was gone alllll day Friday (in Texarkana for a gig until 2am when *I* crawled out of my nice warm bed to drive 45mins away to get him thankyouverymuch) or that we were at the park for 1.5hrs Saturday and than he worked until late and worked Sunday morning as well. But its all because life is busy during the weekends, I rarely have time to get online and I just dont focus. In any event today's dare is an easy one for me. I pray for my family and friends on a regular basis. I pray for Mr Wonderful all the time. He is my husband and I want God to always be a major part of his life. So three prayers I have for him:

1) That God will help him overcome certain fleshly weaknesses that not only harm his spirit but the strength of our marriage.
2) That he will start to put God first in all he does. Even if that means other things need to be put to the side.
3) That he will start living as Christ and speak and behave in love more often.

All three of these things are things that bother me on a regular basis. Example: Mr Wonderful is the worse driver. He drives too fast, isnt observant of his surroundings and doesnt like other people. LOL Get him off the road and he's wonderful, on the road is a different story. Any way, Saturday, while heading home from the park, he yielded to allow another driver the right of way, which was what he was supposed to do. But another driver behind him honked the horn and so Mr Wonderful jerked around in his seat and crassly said "WHAT?! Do you want me to disobey the law?! JERK!"...all while Monkey Face and her curly-headed friend were in the back seat. Its not like he cussed or flipped the other driver off, but his aggressive behavior bothers me and I feel its a bad example for the kids. How can we teach them to love others as Christ did while calling drivers jerks? Cant.

And I pray that we both focus more on each other and not ourselves. After all, we didnt marry ourselves. We married each other and we need to put the other first and we need to focus on their the other's and feelings in order to be successful.

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