Monday, May 11, 2009

Love Dare: Day 7

Love Dare - Day 7
On a sheet of paper, write out positive things about your spouse. At some point during the day, pick a positive attribute from the list and thank your spouse for having the characteristic.

I Corinthians 13:7 (NIV)
7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

If you arent familiar with the verse about "It" is referring to in "Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes...". When I met my Wonderful Husband I knew, with out a doubt, that he was the one God had predestined to be my soul mate. it took a little while for me to even catch on that he was interested in me, which is a story for another time, but once I realized he was interested, every thing else was clear. As a sexual abuse survivor I've always found comfort in hiding. Hiding inside myself and avoiding external interactions. I kept my friends and family at a distance and if I didnt know you, well, I wasnt going to know you. But something about this wonderful man gave me peace. I had trust that he wasnt going to do anything to hurt me, ever. And in feeling that peace I was able to open up immensely and share life, laughs and love. Break out the hanky, I'm getting mushy! lol

On our 1st Valentines Day we were seperated by a thousand miles and a few states. I was still in FL tying up lose ends in preperation to forever change me life and follow my "heart beat" (as my friend Patty Cake called him) to TX. So, I decided the best gift I could give was my love. I emailed him a list of 66 things I loved about him, here's a snipett...

1. You always make me laugh
2. I love the way I feel in your arms
3. Your smile is captivating
4. Your intelligence is very sexy
5. You love my baby girl
6. My hand fits in yours perfectly
7. You know me too well (which is surprising at times)
8. You never gave me the pity look
9. You have faith in me
10. I have faith in you

So my challange today is to come up with more things that I love about him. Being that its almost 2yrs from the day we started dating I think I can do that.


67. You ARE an awesome dad
68. I laugh every time Piglet pees on you
69. You overload the washer machine whenever you do laundry
70. You pick up Monkey Face from school when you're home from work
71. You work hard
72. You have tunnel vision..which can be very annoying, but I love you any way
73. You're very good with saving money
74. You've shared your love of music with Monkey Face
75. You encouraged Monkey Face to learn piano and Cello
76. Once a night you wake up with Piglet so I can catch some extra sleep
77. You're a romantic
78. I love when you get me flowers on random occasions

There are more but I'm not going to bog down the blog with them all.

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