Friday, May 8, 2009

Not such a good idea...

My day 5 challange is...

Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them.

After this afternoons crap I dont think thats a good idea. RWD...this afternoon my wonderful husband tells me "guess what! I have to work this weekend." WHAT?!'re telling me you're (basically) working from 2pm Saturday to 11pm Sunday, which just happens to be MOTHER'S DAY?!?!?! ::Sob:: Literally, I started crying. All I wanted to do was spend the day at the park with my family, enjoying the warm weather and hot sun. I WISHEDI could have a day at the salon, mani/pedi, eye brows, hair cut but that would've just been frosting. But that plan got ruined. So, I tried to put on my game face. I thought I could come home this evening and do my errands and than I could go to the park tomorrow for a few hours. But than I came home and WH ran out the door to a gig. Leaving me, once again, alone with the kids.

I know, I should be happy he's working. He's brining home money after my 6wk unpaid maternity leave. But I'm upset and I have the right to be. My WHOLE weekend is ruined cause my "WH" sisnt stop to consider A) its Mother's Day weekend and B) I dont wanna be trapped at home allll weekend with a newborn. Not cool

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