Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok, here's the second edition of Not Me Monday!

I have not been totally distracted all day, matter fact I have not been distracted for days, at work. I have not been on Myspace, TheBump, or BabyCenter entertaining myself for an hour or so at a time.

Today we took Piglet to his 2 month appointment. He measured 21 1/2" long and 11lbs. The people on the other exam room heard someone squeal with excitement at that revelation but it certainly was not me. I was not that excited that the lil baby I had 2 months ago at 5lbs 10oz 19" was now up to 11lbs!

After leaving the appointment Mr Wonderful and I ran to get some lunch. On the way there Mr Wonderdul ended up in the wrong lane and had to merge over. Unfortunatly he was in a turn lane only so when the police officer spotted him and told him to pull over, we did not leave after waiting for him to come and then he never did. I would not allow Mr Wonderful to get out of paying a ticket because he actually pulled into the wrong lot and that is why the police officer wasnt there to ticket him.

I did not take a 2hr lunch break. I did not abuse the fact that my boss was out of the office and take an extra 30mins to run for food when I knew I was supposed to be back in the office.

Happy Monday!

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