Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am a super average woman

This month I have blogged more than ever before! I'm back on my writing kick...although, can you call it "writing" when you're typing? None the less I am enjoying expressing myself thru word. (How's that?! lol) I have a few things to share today before I move on to the Love Challange...

Its been 22 hours since Piglet and I used the
nipple shield! I am SO excited!My Wonderful Husband came to see me at work yesterday and brought Piglet. I'll never give up a chance to nurse....well when I'm awake that is ;) so when Piglet started getting hungry I asked WH if he brought the shield, which he did not. But I thought "why not give it a try, before giving him the bottle?" and surprise surprise, Piglet latched on like a old pro and had no problems "eating lunch"! I cant tell you how nice it was to have that experiance with nothing between us. God bless the person who came up with the nipple shield but nothing beats the real, flesh and blood, connection of mother and child.

My Mother's Day was alright, I recived lovely gifts, ate cake and enjoyed my kids. Mr Wonderful (as he'll be refered to from here on out, much easier) said he felt bad for not being home so he'd make it up to me this coming Saturday. Only to find out that he'll be working, again. Not thrilled about that. While he worked all weekend I was a nice wife and didnt make him get up with the baby, than on little sleep got up to go to work Monday.

I'm playing hooky today. I stayed home with Piglet in hopes that I could catch some Zzzz's. However Piglet has been fighting his sleep and is currently watching the nautical animals on his mobile and "asking" them why they arent moving. He's been up for a little more than 4hrs now and if he doesnt nap soon I wont be able to nap because Monkey Face will be home from school. But I checked in at work and there isnt anything for me to do so I'm not missing much (but payment!)....

from my lips to God's ears. Piglet has fallen asleep. I'm about to hit the sack!

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