Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love Dare: Day 14

Love Dare - Day 14
Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse.

Ecclesiastes 9:9 (NIV)
Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life.

When I began this Love Dare I was sad, frustrated, upset, unsure and flat out desperate. We just had a baby 2 months ago, we were married 5 months ago and life is just a little hectic. It can be stressful. You'd think we'd be use to the whirlwind by now. We met in July 07, started dating in Sept. 07 and committed to each other by late Oct. - Nov. 07, we were making plans to move to a different state! But either way these changes made life difficult at best and my hormones didnt help either. I wanted wanted wanted and needed needed needed and if I didnt get it I got upset. It was all about me and my feelings. I'm thankful I was able to see that it isnt all about me and that I need to get out of my own way and allow God to rule in our marriage to make it what He's intended.

Being that we have an infant and a 10 year old at home its a little difficult to make time for each other. When I'm not nursing, cooking or cleaning I try to make time with my daughter. I feel like I'm neglecting her because I dont have as much time for her as I used to. And I'm too tired to pretend I have interest in the childish things she enjoys. But last night I made a meager attempt to spend time with him. I had to turn off auto pilot. My typical routine when I get home is kiss everyone, put down my things, and start on the kitchen OR nurse if I arrive at a certain time THAN hit the kitchen to cook and clean. But last night I started in on auto pilot and remembered the dare. I made myself a snack and sat at the couch to talk to Mr Wonderful. We cuddled and watched some TV for about an hour than Piglet woke up to eat and that began my busy night. After Monkey Face went to bed at 830, Mr Wonderful went out on our balcony to enjoy a stoogy and I finished nursing Piglet. I planed on going out to sit with him but I was so tired part way thru nursing that I couldnt keep my eyes open. I tried. And I'll try again. I'll make a point sometime this week to just BE with him.

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