Friday, May 29, 2009

Love dare: Day 18

I havent done a Love Dare in several days because I havent been in the right frame of mind. Which is pretty bad considering this dare is supposed to help you with your frame of mind. But its just been one thing after another agian this week and I've finally put my foot down and things WILL change...I hope.

We've had an on going battle of the minds concerning our return to FL. I've talked about it several times in my blog so its no secret to anyone. But it seems my Wonderful Husband is totally clueless and believes my feelins are secrets. I flatly told him that I feel he isnt mentally checked in to our family, but cause HE thinks HE needs to do certain things for HIS family and all the while we're screaming "NO! WE DONT NEED THAT!". We dont want him to be so into his guitar that he puts IT over US so he can achieve his goal and ultimately benefit us. I tried to explain to him that his eyes are so dead set on the horizon and the big goal that he doesnt see us standing next to him. He denied all of that...but I think when I finally said "I gave up all my dreams for you. I came here to support you in school and when I agreed to come out here I agreed on short term but when you came here and changed your mind I still stuck by you so we could have our life together but that meant giving up my dreams." He asked me what my dreams were and they're very simple: I want my siblings and mother around for Sunday dinners, I want my nephew and children to swim together, I want my husband to B.S with my brother while we're doing a family BBQ, I want my son's great-grandparents to spend time with him and way down at the bottom of the list I wanted to finish school. But after giving all that up for him I've gotten stepped on, several times, and it hurts. He sat quietly after that and I tried to tell him I felt bad for forcing this on him but I cant continue to sacrifice me and my kids for him if he's going to be absent but he told me to stop explaining, he'd accept what I want and we need to work on plans. He said he'd be pissed at me later. LOL I love him so much. I KNOW he is a good man...I think he struggles sometimes with how to go about it but I know his heart is in it. Even though his head might not be. So on to today's challenge...

Love dare - Day 18
Proverbs 3:13 (NIV)
How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.

Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the two of you. The dinner can be as nice as you prefer. Focus this time on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you’ve rarely talked about. Determine to make it an enjoyable evening for you and your mate.

Mr Wonderful works until 2pm today than has to leave for a gig at 4pm. There wont be time for a sit down and dinner. But the only way we're going to get a quiet evening is if we go to dinner. So I'm going to make plans for sometime this week.

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