Friday, May 8, 2009

Love dare: Day 4

Love Dare - Day 4
Contact your spouse sometime during the day and ask how he or she is doing and if there is anything you could do for them.

Psalm 139: 17-18 (New International Version)
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.

Last night was pretty uneventful. I got home with the kids, made dinner, changed my clothes, did some chores, hung on the computer, tucked Monkey Face into bed, fed Piglet and while I was still feeding him my Wonderful Husband came home, gave me a kiss and went to bed. All the while I had todays challange in mind. The fact that I carpool and am flat broke at the moment made the idea of asking "what can I do for you" a lil daunting. I mean, what if he asked me to grab him something from the store? Or make something special for dinner thats not already at home? But, once again an opportunity was provided (I hope it counts). My WH asked me before he left to PLEASE call and make him a doctor's appointment. I guess he has an eye infection from his horrible allergies. So I'm going to do that. Also before I left for work I prepared a home made pizza for him. All he has to do when he gets home is stick it in the oven. I know that will make him happy and help him out a lot. He's been busting ass butt this week, working, lessons, watching the baby and even waking with him at night. He's stepping up big time.

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