Saturday, May 16, 2009

Love Dare: Day 12

Love Dare - Day 12
Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give in to an area of disagreement between you and your spouse.

Philippians 2:4
4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

We had nothing to argue disagree about. Thank goodness...well I guess its a good thing and a bad thing. Our current unresolved issue is like a squater that we're pretending doesnt exist. When we do discuss it, it turns into an all out shout/cry/silent treatment-fest. I absolutly hate it. Even worse I cant help but feel trapped because of the way I got here and the fact that I may not get back. Back as in going home to FL. When I fell for Mr Wonderful he told me he was coming to TX to finish the degree he started in New Orleans, than we'd be coming home after a few years. I figured I could handle this. I told everyone when I left that leaving didnt upset me because it was only temporary...than we got here. Mr Wonderful changed his mind and said "why go back?" and decided to stay forever. Which completely ruins the dreams I had while growing up. And completely changed all plans I had for a life with him. And is really crushing my spirit.

I really hope this dare helps me learn something to use to get over this feeling because I resent him for doing this to me and than getting upset with me when I dont want to go along with the new plan. And although we made an agreement to return if X and Y arent fulfilled, but I'm losing faith that this will happen. I feel sick to my stomach when I think about it and I cry often. Well, thinking about it is once again causing a sick stomach and tears so I'm going to move on with my day and pray to God for strength.

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