Sunday, May 10, 2009

Love Dare: Day 6

Love Dare - Day 6
Choose to react to tough circumstances in your marriage in loving ways instead of with irritation.

Proverbs 16:32 (NIV)
32 Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

As you see I skipped over day 5. Not only was I not in the proper place to ask such questions, but even after I calmed down I remembered that I've asked him that question before in the recent past. So asking again would be redundant. I'm in a better mood today. I spent quality time with my Wonderful Husband last night when he got home, I'd missed him all day.

So, day 6. I'm glad this dare isnt directly related to WH because he left to work this morning at 7am, while I was still asleep with Piglet and he wont be home until this evening at 11pm...when I'm asleep with Piglet. This verse mentions "controlling your temper" which is good because I've been practicing patience recently. I realized the other day that I am quick to get upset and/or angry. Not only with my WH but with Monkey Face as well. I make the excuses that their behavior makes me react a certain way when really they may act one way or another but *I* have to control how I respond. Even when my 9 year old is yammering away for 10 minutes straight! Either way, this Love Dare Challenge is a testament to my desire to deal with my marriage in a loving way. With all the changes going on in my life, OUR life, recently I find myself lashing out and saying things I would have never before. Even if its in a joking manner. Things arent currently the way I'd like them to be but I have to make may marriage what I want it to be so I plan on working at that. My Piglet is crying to be nursed so I'm off!

Happy Mother's Day!

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