Saturday, May 30, 2009

Love Dare: Day 19

Love Dare - Day 19

Look back over the dares from previous days. Were there some that seemed impossible to you? Have you realized your need for God to change your heart and to give you the ability to love? Ask Him to show you where you stand with Him, and ask for the strength and grace to settle your eternal destination.

1 John 4:7 (NIV)

Let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

When I look back at these dares I realize that I had a hard time with any that delt directly with Mr Wonderful. Not that I didnt want to do them (except for that time I was mad) but that I was at a loss for what I should do. I couldnt buy any thing cause I was broke, I couldnt take him anywhere cause we have the kids, I couldnt surprise him with anything at home cause he's always here! But I'm glad I didnt give up on them just because they were hard. I mean, what if I took that approach to my marriage?! I wouldnt have gotten married in the place if that was the case. I'm sure he appreciated every thing I've done over the course of the dare, thus far, and if he hasnt at least I made the attempt.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Love dare: Day 18

I havent done a Love Dare in several days because I havent been in the right frame of mind. Which is pretty bad considering this dare is supposed to help you with your frame of mind. But its just been one thing after another agian this week and I've finally put my foot down and things WILL change...I hope.

We've had an on going battle of the minds concerning our return to FL. I've talked about it several times in my blog so its no secret to anyone. But it seems my Wonderful Husband is totally clueless and believes my feelins are secrets. I flatly told him that I feel he isnt mentally checked in to our family, but cause HE thinks HE needs to do certain things for HIS family and all the while we're screaming "NO! WE DONT NEED THAT!". We dont want him to be so into his guitar that he puts IT over US so he can achieve his goal and ultimately benefit us. I tried to explain to him that his eyes are so dead set on the horizon and the big goal that he doesnt see us standing next to him. He denied all of that...but I think when I finally said "I gave up all my dreams for you. I came here to support you in school and when I agreed to come out here I agreed on short term but when you came here and changed your mind I still stuck by you so we could have our life together but that meant giving up my dreams." He asked me what my dreams were and they're very simple: I want my siblings and mother around for Sunday dinners, I want my nephew and children to swim together, I want my husband to B.S with my brother while we're doing a family BBQ, I want my son's great-grandparents to spend time with him and way down at the bottom of the list I wanted to finish school. But after giving all that up for him I've gotten stepped on, several times, and it hurts. He sat quietly after that and I tried to tell him I felt bad for forcing this on him but I cant continue to sacrifice me and my kids for him if he's going to be absent but he told me to stop explaining, he'd accept what I want and we need to work on plans. He said he'd be pissed at me later. LOL I love him so much. I KNOW he is a good man...I think he struggles sometimes with how to go about it but I know his heart is in it. Even though his head might not be. So on to today's challenge...

Love dare - Day 18
Proverbs 3:13 (NIV)
How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.

Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the two of you. The dinner can be as nice as you prefer. Focus this time on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you’ve rarely talked about. Determine to make it an enjoyable evening for you and your mate.

Mr Wonderful works until 2pm today than has to leave for a gig at 4pm. There wont be time for a sit down and dinner. But the only way we're going to get a quiet evening is if we go to dinner. So I'm going to make plans for sometime this week.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Love Dare: Day 13

Love Dare - Day 13
Talk with your spouse about establishing healthy rules of engagement. If your mate is not ready for this, then write out your own personal rules to “fight” by. Resolve to abide by them when the next disagreement occurs.

Mark 3:25 (NIV)
If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

Nope, you're not seeing things, I've gone back to day 13. I was in the process of writing day 17 when Mr Wonderful and I got into a big argument. His temper is always a source of frustration for me and though I try to control my own temper, when I am pushed I tend to say hurtful things. And because I didnt lay the ground rules ahead of time we didnt fight fair. But I emailed him a lil while ago and told him we need a list of rules... I added more to the ones I already commited to:

1. I will seek first to understand, then to be understood
2. I will never raise my voice in anger or frustration
3. I will look for and own up to my own faults in any given situation
4. No mocking
5. No cussing
6. No hurtful comments

Sounds like we're back in kindergarten! lol But the basics of life are usually all you need. Mr Wonderful agreed that we need to work on that so hopefully we can keep each other accountable for that.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Love Dare: Day 16

Love Dare: Day 16
Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in your spouse's life and in your marriage.

3 John 2
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

Its Memorial Day Monday and I have off work today. We're supposed to go bowling but at the moment Mr Wonderful is snoozing on the couch and Piglet is in his Pack n Play. I wanna take Monkey Face to Target aka Heaven for Shoppers ;) but idk when Piglet will wake up and I dont want to disturb Mr Wonderful. I have been slacking in the Dare dept. this weekend. I can blame it on the fact that Mr Wonderful was gone alllll day Friday (in Texarkana for a gig until 2am when *I* crawled out of my nice warm bed to drive 45mins away to get him thankyouverymuch) or that we were at the park for 1.5hrs Saturday and than he worked until late and worked Sunday morning as well. But its all because life is busy during the weekends, I rarely have time to get online and I just dont focus. In any event today's dare is an easy one for me. I pray for my family and friends on a regular basis. I pray for Mr Wonderful all the time. He is my husband and I want God to always be a major part of his life. So three prayers I have for him:

1) That God will help him overcome certain fleshly weaknesses that not only harm his spirit but the strength of our marriage.
2) That he will start to put God first in all he does. Even if that means other things need to be put to the side.
3) That he will start living as Christ and speak and behave in love more often.

All three of these things are things that bother me on a regular basis. Example: Mr Wonderful is the worse driver. He drives too fast, isnt observant of his surroundings and doesnt like other people. LOL Get him off the road and he's wonderful, on the road is a different story. Any way, Saturday, while heading home from the park, he yielded to allow another driver the right of way, which was what he was supposed to do. But another driver behind him honked the horn and so Mr Wonderful jerked around in his seat and crassly said "WHAT?! Do you want me to disobey the law?! JERK!"...all while Monkey Face and her curly-headed friend were in the back seat. Its not like he cussed or flipped the other driver off, but his aggressive behavior bothers me and I feel its a bad example for the kids. How can we teach them to love others as Christ did while calling drivers jerks? Cant.

And I pray that we both focus more on each other and not ourselves. After all, we didnt marry ourselves. We married each other and we need to put the other first and we need to focus on their the other's and feelings in order to be successful.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Love Dare: Day 15

Love Dare - Day 15

Choose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse that is above your normal routine. It may be holding the door for her. It might be putting his clothes away for him. It may be the way you listen and speak in your communication. Show your mate that he or she is highly esteemed in your eyes.

1 Peter 3:7 (NIV)

Live with your wives in an understanding way . . . and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life.

Although I hadnt even read this morning's challenge I offered to iron Mr Wonderful's uniform for him. He refused but I told him I didnt mind, I'd do it. He will be at work until 10pm tonight and than he'll be gone all day tomorrow with an out of town gig. When I get home I think I'll clean up his "man hole" lol... we have a sun room that holds the computer desk, 2 amps, 3 guitars, music stand, CD's towers (I swear he has hundreds of CD's). Ok, lets be realistic, this mess can not be conqored in an evening. Especially if I have a colicy baby and a needy 10yo. I'll figure something out. I'm sure he wont notice, just as he didnt notice the clean car from a few dares ago, but at least I am making the effort.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love Dare: Day 14

Love Dare - Day 14
Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse.

Ecclesiastes 9:9 (NIV)
Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life.

When I began this Love Dare I was sad, frustrated, upset, unsure and flat out desperate. We just had a baby 2 months ago, we were married 5 months ago and life is just a little hectic. It can be stressful. You'd think we'd be use to the whirlwind by now. We met in July 07, started dating in Sept. 07 and committed to each other by late Oct. - Nov. 07, we were making plans to move to a different state! But either way these changes made life difficult at best and my hormones didnt help either. I wanted wanted wanted and needed needed needed and if I didnt get it I got upset. It was all about me and my feelings. I'm thankful I was able to see that it isnt all about me and that I need to get out of my own way and allow God to rule in our marriage to make it what He's intended.

Being that we have an infant and a 10 year old at home its a little difficult to make time for each other. When I'm not nursing, cooking or cleaning I try to make time with my daughter. I feel like I'm neglecting her because I dont have as much time for her as I used to. And I'm too tired to pretend I have interest in the childish things she enjoys. But last night I made a meager attempt to spend time with him. I had to turn off auto pilot. My typical routine when I get home is kiss everyone, put down my things, and start on the kitchen OR nurse if I arrive at a certain time THAN hit the kitchen to cook and clean. But last night I started in on auto pilot and remembered the dare. I made myself a snack and sat at the couch to talk to Mr Wonderful. We cuddled and watched some TV for about an hour than Piglet woke up to eat and that began my busy night. After Monkey Face went to bed at 830, Mr Wonderful went out on our balcony to enjoy a stoogy and I finished nursing Piglet. I planed on going out to sit with him but I was so tired part way thru nursing that I couldnt keep my eyes open. I tried. And I'll try again. I'll make a point sometime this week to just BE with him.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Love Dare: Day 13

Love Dare - Day 13

Talk with your spouse about establishing healthy rules of engagement. If your mate is not ready for this, then write out your own personal rules to “fight” by. Resolve to abide by them when the next disagreement occurs.If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

Mark 3:25 (NIV)

If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

We havent gotten into an argument in some time (about a month) and I dont plan on doing so any time soon. So I'd rather not bring this up right now and make a big deal of it. While reading the Official Love Dare Journal website I noticed someone referenced Stephen R. Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. I think I will adopt these rules as my own and hope that Mr Wonderful will see them and start to share the same rules...eventually I'll tell him about them.

1. I will seek first to understand, then to be understood

2. I will never raise my voice in anger or frustration

3. I will look for and own up to my own faults in any given situation

On another note. Yesterday I made an appointment to meet with a counselor. I had asked Mr Wonderful about us seeing someone and he got all defensive, as usual, only to find out later on that he was reacting this way because he thought I was saying our marriage was in trouble and I was attacking him. When in all reality, it may have started that way, but the more I dwell on it the more I realize its something in me that needs work. Something in me needs worked out. Once that happens we can move on to us. Never did I imagine marriage would be such work.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok, here's the second edition of Not Me Monday!

I have not been totally distracted all day, matter fact I have not been distracted for days, at work. I have not been on Myspace, TheBump, or BabyCenter entertaining myself for an hour or so at a time.

Today we took Piglet to his 2 month appointment. He measured 21 1/2" long and 11lbs. The people on the other exam room heard someone squeal with excitement at that revelation but it certainly was not me. I was not that excited that the lil baby I had 2 months ago at 5lbs 10oz 19" was now up to 11lbs!

After leaving the appointment Mr Wonderful and I ran to get some lunch. On the way there Mr Wonderdul ended up in the wrong lane and had to merge over. Unfortunatly he was in a turn lane only so when the police officer spotted him and told him to pull over, we did not leave after waiting for him to come and then he never did. I would not allow Mr Wonderful to get out of paying a ticket because he actually pulled into the wrong lot and that is why the police officer wasnt there to ticket him.

I did not take a 2hr lunch break. I did not abuse the fact that my boss was out of the office and take an extra 30mins to run for food when I knew I was supposed to be back in the office.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Love Dare: Day 12

Love Dare - Day 12
Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give in to an area of disagreement between you and your spouse.

Philippians 2:4
4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

We had nothing to argue disagree about. Thank goodness...well I guess its a good thing and a bad thing. Our current unresolved issue is like a squater that we're pretending doesnt exist. When we do discuss it, it turns into an all out shout/cry/silent treatment-fest. I absolutly hate it. Even worse I cant help but feel trapped because of the way I got here and the fact that I may not get back. Back as in going home to FL. When I fell for Mr Wonderful he told me he was coming to TX to finish the degree he started in New Orleans, than we'd be coming home after a few years. I figured I could handle this. I told everyone when I left that leaving didnt upset me because it was only temporary...than we got here. Mr Wonderful changed his mind and said "why go back?" and decided to stay forever. Which completely ruins the dreams I had while growing up. And completely changed all plans I had for a life with him. And is really crushing my spirit.

I really hope this dare helps me learn something to use to get over this feeling because I resent him for doing this to me and than getting upset with me when I dont want to go along with the new plan. And although we made an agreement to return if X and Y arent fulfilled, but I'm losing faith that this will happen. I feel sick to my stomach when I think about it and I cry often. Well, thinking about it is once again causing a sick stomach and tears so I'm going to move on with my day and pray to God for strength.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Love Day: Day 11 & Happy Friday!

So, yesterday when I got home I came in the door, started dinner, talked to Monkey Face about her field trip to Ranger Stadium, nursed Piglet (successfully, with out the shield for the 3rd day in a row, thank-you-very-much!) than faced my challenge. I was tired and didnt want to get off the couch. I wanted to sit with my son and ::inahles & exhales:: ahhhh enjoy his sight and smell and feel while Monkey Face yammerd on (and on and on) about the songs they sang in the bleachers. But I commit ed to making my marriage a better thing so I hauled myself of the couch under the guise of checking the mail, went down stairs and cleaned out Mr Wonderful's car. Granted I didnt have time vacuum it (because dinner was still cooking) but at least I emptied it of the mess. I'm sure he will notice and appreciate that in the light of day. Because when he left for work this morning it was still dark.

Oh and you got to love waking up on a Friday morning to Aunt Flo. NOT! I was hoping that nursing would stave off that "gift" from God but obviously I am not a lucky one. I am SO tired, and so sore and so bloated. I think I'll go home tonight and eat ice cream. ^_^

Love Dare - Day 11
What need does your spouse have that you could meet today? Example: Choose a gesture that says “I love you" and do it with a smile.

Ephesians 5:28 (NIV)
28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

I may be biased but I love this passage. It reads:

25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church—

Now doesnt that sound like the type of husband a woman would want? I am slowly seeing this type of behavior emerging from my husband. I can only assume its because of this challenge. He's been so much more helpful and more attentive, asking me if I need or want anything. So to complete today's challenge I did something he's asked me to do. He needed a Dr appt, so I set it up. Simple but he wouldnt do it himself and I can since I sit at a desk. all. day. long

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Love Dare: Day 10

Love Dare - Day 10
Do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse. Something that proves (to you and to them) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.

Romans 5:8 (NIV)
8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Yesterday I sent Mr Wonderful an e-card...

My husband,

I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do. You've been so helpful and so wonderful. You're a great dad and a great husband and I'm thankful you're in my life. I'm proud of you for starting this new job. I know its not exactly what you wanted but you enjoy it and more importantly you're doing it for us. You're being super dad and taking care of the baby while I'm at work, even when you're tired or wanting to do other things (like guitar or SLEEP!). And just by you helping a little bit around the house means A LOT to me. I can breath a little easier knowing that you're there to help me and I dont have to try and do it alone. I value you and our marriage and our family so very very much.

You're my best friend and I love you !

I did a lil combo deal. I told him how thankful I was for his positive attributes (day 7) of being a wonderful husband and father AND for helping around the house. And told him I was proud of him committing to a job he wasnt so hot for (day 8). He really enjoyed the card, he thanked me several times. So I'm glad that I was able to make him feel good and let him know I recognize his hard work.

I had to look for inspiration in order to complete this challenge...ok, I cheated. But I was completely dumb-founded as to what I was going to do. The original woman I got this idea from said that for her 10th day she was going to provide physical intimacy for her husband and she was going to make sure he enjoyed himself. Mr Wonderful and I are intimate on a regular basis and thanks to our connectivity we both enjoy it thoroughly, so that was out of the question. I found a website dedicated to the Love Dare and there were numerous entries from readers on how they completed their challenges. I got the idea from someone there, when I get home today I'm going to clean out the inside of Mr Wonderful's car. Ha ha...when we 1st met Mr Wonderful would clean the car with a fine-tooth comb and apologize for the "mess" if there was a gum wrapper in the ash tray. NOW??...oh boy...a family of roaches could comfortably live in the back seat, under the Mt Dew bottles, Chik-Fil-A wrappers and scratch paper.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Love Dare: Day 9

Love Dare - Day 9
Think of a way to greet your spouse today to reflect your love for them, and then do it with a smile and enthusiasm.
I Peter 5:14
14Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ.

Ok, this is easy. Because I always...ok I almost always, greet Mr Wonderful with enthusiasm. I am genuinely glad to see him, I love to hug and kiss him. It makes me feel very good and I'm sure it makes him feel good too. We are very affectionate people. There are times we lay in bed and just hold each other and talk. I think that closeness creates not only a physical intimacy but an emotional one as well. Mr Wonderful can be a real romantic and when he chooses he opens up about his feelings. We are each others best friend.

So far this challenge is helping me a lot. I'm looking at my husband as the man I fell in love with. I remembering those 1st few weeks and months that I really "saw" him for who he was and what I mean to him. Those things havent gone away or changed, they're just so covered up by the every day that it isnt always easy to see. This challenge is forcing me to dig deeper.

Love Dare: Day 8

Love Dare - Day 8
Share with your spouse how glad you are about a success he or she recently enjoyed.

Song of Solomon 8:6
6 Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy
unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.

Wow, that verse is very romantic and strong. I like it. Ok, so I have to admit, I was slacking on the the challange this weekend. I am very tired. I want to sleep for 40wks. Not like thats an excuse but thats what I'm using. Any way, Mr Wonderful was working alot too. I honestly dont know what success I should be happy about. I told him I was happy when he got his new job, maybe I will remind him. Because it is really a blessing. Since we've come to Texas I've brought in 95% of our monthly income and there are times when I'm worried about it not being enough. And there are times when it wasnt enough. So imagine how much relife I feel now that he's working 3-4 days a week, 8hrs a day, brining in a steady income. Its wonderful!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am a super average woman

This month I have blogged more than ever before! I'm back on my writing kick...although, can you call it "writing" when you're typing? None the less I am enjoying expressing myself thru word. (How's that?! lol) I have a few things to share today before I move on to the Love Challange...

Its been 22 hours since Piglet and I used the
nipple shield! I am SO excited!My Wonderful Husband came to see me at work yesterday and brought Piglet. I'll never give up a chance to nurse....well when I'm awake that is ;) so when Piglet started getting hungry I asked WH if he brought the shield, which he did not. But I thought "why not give it a try, before giving him the bottle?" and surprise surprise, Piglet latched on like a old pro and had no problems "eating lunch"! I cant tell you how nice it was to have that experiance with nothing between us. God bless the person who came up with the nipple shield but nothing beats the real, flesh and blood, connection of mother and child.

My Mother's Day was alright, I recived lovely gifts, ate cake and enjoyed my kids. Mr Wonderful (as he'll be refered to from here on out, much easier) said he felt bad for not being home so he'd make it up to me this coming Saturday. Only to find out that he'll be working, again. Not thrilled about that. While he worked all weekend I was a nice wife and didnt make him get up with the baby, than on little sleep got up to go to work Monday.

I'm playing hooky today. I stayed home with Piglet in hopes that I could catch some Zzzz's. However Piglet has been fighting his sleep and is currently watching the nautical animals on his mobile and "asking" them why they arent moving. He's been up for a little more than 4hrs now and if he doesnt nap soon I wont be able to nap because Monkey Face will be home from school. But I checked in at work and there isnt anything for me to do so I'm not missing much (but payment!)....

from my lips to God's ears. Piglet has fallen asleep. I'm about to hit the sack!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Love Dare: Day 7

Love Dare - Day 7
On a sheet of paper, write out positive things about your spouse. At some point during the day, pick a positive attribute from the list and thank your spouse for having the characteristic.

I Corinthians 13:7 (NIV)
7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

If you arent familiar with the verse about "It" is referring to in "Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes...". When I met my Wonderful Husband I knew, with out a doubt, that he was the one God had predestined to be my soul mate. it took a little while for me to even catch on that he was interested in me, which is a story for another time, but once I realized he was interested, every thing else was clear. As a sexual abuse survivor I've always found comfort in hiding. Hiding inside myself and avoiding external interactions. I kept my friends and family at a distance and if I didnt know you, well, I wasnt going to know you. But something about this wonderful man gave me peace. I had trust that he wasnt going to do anything to hurt me, ever. And in feeling that peace I was able to open up immensely and share life, laughs and love. Break out the hanky, I'm getting mushy! lol

On our 1st Valentines Day we were seperated by a thousand miles and a few states. I was still in FL tying up lose ends in preperation to forever change me life and follow my "heart beat" (as my friend Patty Cake called him) to TX. So, I decided the best gift I could give was my love. I emailed him a list of 66 things I loved about him, here's a snipett...

1. You always make me laugh
2. I love the way I feel in your arms
3. Your smile is captivating
4. Your intelligence is very sexy
5. You love my baby girl
6. My hand fits in yours perfectly
7. You know me too well (which is surprising at times)
8. You never gave me the pity look
9. You have faith in me
10. I have faith in you

So my challange today is to come up with more things that I love about him. Being that its almost 2yrs from the day we started dating I think I can do that.


67. You ARE an awesome dad
68. I laugh every time Piglet pees on you
69. You overload the washer machine whenever you do laundry
70. You pick up Monkey Face from school when you're home from work
71. You work hard
72. You have tunnel vision..which can be very annoying, but I love you any way
73. You're very good with saving money
74. You've shared your love of music with Monkey Face
75. You encouraged Monkey Face to learn piano and Cello
76. Once a night you wake up with Piglet so I can catch some extra sleep
77. You're a romantic
78. I love when you get me flowers on random occasions

There are more but I'm not going to bog down the blog with them all.

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is my 1st edition of Not Me Monday, after the weekend I had it should be a good one! Enjoy!

I did not peek at my Mother's Day gift. Nope, not me. I did not go looking for it in the direction that my daughter came from when giving me my 1st gift and I did not find the gift that my Wonderful Husband left in the same spot.

I did not get upset when my daughter slipped and told me my gift was going to be a braclet when I really wanted a necklace.

I did not feel like a complete shemp when I discoverd I was getting the necklace I wanted. Nope not at all.

I did not buy a yellow cake mix to make my Mother's Day cake, frost it and eat a quater of it by myself. No way no how! And if I would have ate that cake, by myself, I certainly wouldnt have polished it off with a big glass of cold milk. I would never dream of doing such a thing!

I am not currently obsessed with Campbell's Healthy Request Mexican Chicken Tortilla soup. I havent ate 4 of them in the last 2 weeks because the sodium amount on that can seems pretty outrageous.

I have not been a total slacker at work today. I havent been Bumping all morning and blog hopping.

I do not currently have my 2 month old sitting my desk at work, while attempting to work.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Love Dare: Day 6

Love Dare - Day 6
Choose to react to tough circumstances in your marriage in loving ways instead of with irritation.

Proverbs 16:32 (NIV)
32 Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

As you see I skipped over day 5. Not only was I not in the proper place to ask such questions, but even after I calmed down I remembered that I've asked him that question before in the recent past. So asking again would be redundant. I'm in a better mood today. I spent quality time with my Wonderful Husband last night when he got home, I'd missed him all day.

So, day 6. I'm glad this dare isnt directly related to WH because he left to work this morning at 7am, while I was still asleep with Piglet and he wont be home until this evening at 11pm...when I'm asleep with Piglet. This verse mentions "controlling your temper" which is good because I've been practicing patience recently. I realized the other day that I am quick to get upset and/or angry. Not only with my WH but with Monkey Face as well. I make the excuses that their behavior makes me react a certain way when really they may act one way or another but *I* have to control how I respond. Even when my 9 year old is yammering away for 10 minutes straight! Either way, this Love Dare Challenge is a testament to my desire to deal with my marriage in a loving way. With all the changes going on in my life, OUR life, recently I find myself lashing out and saying things I would have never before. Even if its in a joking manner. Things arent currently the way I'd like them to be but I have to make may marriage what I want it to be so I plan on working at that. My Piglet is crying to be nursed so I'm off!

Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Not such a good idea...

My day 5 challange is...

Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them.

After this afternoons crap I dont think thats a good idea. RWD...this afternoon my wonderful husband tells me "guess what! I have to work this weekend." WHAT?!'re telling me you're (basically) working from 2pm Saturday to 11pm Sunday, which just happens to be MOTHER'S DAY?!?!?! ::Sob:: Literally, I started crying. All I wanted to do was spend the day at the park with my family, enjoying the warm weather and hot sun. I WISHEDI could have a day at the salon, mani/pedi, eye brows, hair cut but that would've just been frosting. But that plan got ruined. So, I tried to put on my game face. I thought I could come home this evening and do my errands and than I could go to the park tomorrow for a few hours. But than I came home and WH ran out the door to a gig. Leaving me, once again, alone with the kids.

I know, I should be happy he's working. He's brining home money after my 6wk unpaid maternity leave. But I'm upset and I have the right to be. My WHOLE weekend is ruined cause my "WH" sisnt stop to consider A) its Mother's Day weekend and B) I dont wanna be trapped at home allll weekend with a newborn. Not cool

Love dare: Day 4

Love Dare - Day 4
Contact your spouse sometime during the day and ask how he or she is doing and if there is anything you could do for them.

Psalm 139: 17-18 (New International Version)
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.

Last night was pretty uneventful. I got home with the kids, made dinner, changed my clothes, did some chores, hung on the computer, tucked Monkey Face into bed, fed Piglet and while I was still feeding him my Wonderful Husband came home, gave me a kiss and went to bed. All the while I had todays challange in mind. The fact that I carpool and am flat broke at the moment made the idea of asking "what can I do for you" a lil daunting. I mean, what if he asked me to grab him something from the store? Or make something special for dinner thats not already at home? But, once again an opportunity was provided (I hope it counts). My WH asked me before he left to PLEASE call and make him a doctor's appointment. I guess he has an eye infection from his horrible allergies. So I'm going to do that. Also before I left for work I prepared a home made pizza for him. All he has to do when he gets home is stick it in the oven. I know that will make him happy and help him out a lot. He's been busting ass butt this week, working, lessons, watching the baby and even waking with him at night. He's stepping up big time.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Love dare: Day 3

Love Dare - Day 3 Buy your spouse something that says, "I was thinking about you today."
Romans 12:10 (New International Version)
10Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves

Yesterday I was so perplexed as to how I was going to fulfill that dare. I was thinking all day "I only get a few hours with him before bed how am I going to make me this good?" I dont know why I feel it has to be some grand gesture. I guess I want it big enough that he'll notice but not big enough that he'll wonder "what is she up to?" Any way, I got lucky, poor WH had a rough day with Piglet. He didnt nap alll day except for a 30 mins stretch and he wanted to be held. The more I look into it the more I'm worried about reflux. But any way, when I got home I loved on my WH and told him how thankful I was for his hard work. Than I took Piglet with me to the grocery store. That gave my WH an hour to himself and he was able to get some practice in.

And since I havent seen WH since I left him snoring in bed this morning and wont see him until 11pm tonight when *I'M* snoring, I had to get his day 3 dare out of the way last evening. While out shopping I picked him up a bottle of wine to enjoy with his stoggie. Hopefully he'll be able to enjoy that soon cause he didnt do it last night.

So far so good.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Love Dare: Day 2

Day 2: Do at least one unexpected gesture to your spouse as an act of kindness
Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)
32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Today's passage seems to focus on forgivness. So I'm wondering if my act of forgivness, prompted by outside sources, counts as an act of kindness...I think since it was prompted by strangers on the internet it doesnt really count. I was upset with my WH because of a discussion we had before bed last night. Or wait, what about feeding the baby before I left for work? I usually make him get up to feed Piglet before I leave because I'm getting ready and dont have time (how bad am I??). But because he worked until 10pm last night and got up with the baby a few hours before, I let him sleep and I fed the baby. Even though it made me a lil late for work. But I DID enjoy the cuddle time with my boy so maybe that doesnt count either. It has to be something totally about him...

I'm at a loss as to how to go about this. An "unexpected an act of kindness". Lordy, this challange is going to be harder than I thought! Or maybe I'm making it harder than it needs to be. I mean an act of kindess could be to simply get my WH a glass of water while he's watching TV. Ok, I can do this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Love Dare

I came across a journal entry on Baby Center and decided this is just what we need. According to the OP the love Dare Challange is from a book and is in relation to Fireproof. A movie I've been wanting to watch for sometime. Any way, the idea is that every day I take a different challange to improve my marriage and with the way things have been recently I think we def need it. I've been stressed beyond belife and lashing out at my WH and he's returned the favor. So here goes!

Day 1:
"Resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose to say nothing at all."

The fact that WH was sleeping when I left this morning and he is now at work until 10pm makes this easy...maybe I should start tomorrow? No, I'll start today. I have spoken to him and I'm sure I'll speak to him when he gets home tonight. Plus I've already said NICE things to him. So there.